5. Trembling

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Zorion was big, I knew that for sure. I've seen some of them, but I've never seen one as big as the alien in front of me.

Every muscle etched on his massive body bore witness to years of experience on the battlefield and countless hours of training. Sturdy couldn't even describe the body that was in front of me. His legs stood straight as if they were glued to the floor and I was sure a push from me wouldn't have any effect on him. This meant running away and using physical force would be useless, he only needed two swings of his muscular legs to catch up to me and crush my body to pieces.

However, I couldn't ignore the trophy scars that adored his arms and body. Cuts and stab wounds are signs of the battle he faced. He wore the trophy without intending to cover it. If I were him, I would definitely show off scars that can't kill me, be a sign of how strong I am and make my opponents cower with trembling knees.

I gulped hard seeing the difference in our bodies. Cold sweat trickled down my back. If my fully standing body only reaches his chest, this could be an indication of how big his body is in the lower region, right? He was going to crush me and I could imagine the pain until my thighs clenched together reflexively.

My head lowered as quickly as our eyes met. I couldn't stand being under eyes that looked at me like a specimen under a microscope. My every move would catch his attention and change his focus. I don't know what he was looking for, but there was nothing that could be hidden from the clothes I was wearing; blouse with pleated skirt and high heels which were all white. I've never worn clothes in this material, but what I know is that it's comfortable and hugs my body in the right curves.

I wanted to shrink and burrow into the ground to avoid Xander's gaze. My fingers twisted around each other and my nails scratched.

My ears couldn't catch the foreign sentences that Xander said to Troia. They haven't given me a transmitter that automatically translates every word and forms sentences that I can understand.

I could only look down while listening to them until two people came and put something in my ears. There was a slight shock effect when the device was first turned on until my ears rang and my eyes closed tightly. I would have fallen if it weren't for my arm pulling me to stay standing.

"Can you hear?" Troia asked in her cheerful voice. "The first time there was a slight electric shock effect. After that there will be no more problems."

My eyelids lifted as the pain disappeared. I nodded to answer Troia's question.

The deep voice with a hoarseness at the end of every word that I heard speaking a foreign language was now clear to my ears.

"She wasn't in the system until yesterday."

"Yes, she lives in the woods on the edge of town with his mother. Many humans..." Troia scanned me from top to bottom, "and demi-humans are not recorded because they choose to hide themselves."

Xander exhaled roughly. I jumped with a rush of warm breath in front of my face, my reflexes wanting to run away, but the grip on my upper arm prevented me. My eyes were immediately drawn to the grasping fingers and up to the face of the perpetrator: Xander.

"I'll take her home. Make sure the forest on the city side is thoroughly checked. We need human data for this program." Xander clamped down on me so I couldn't move. Our eyes met until I could see green, forest-like irises with black around them. There is a hint of gold there which reminds me of the fireflies in Mother's story. "Send the things to my house," he continued without looking at Troia.

The hand slipped from my upper arm. Xander turned around and left me.

I don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere near those aliens. I want to run away.

My body trembles without being able to control it. My arms were wrapped around my body and all I wanted to do was lie down and make my body as small as possible. Hide myself from the world and go home to Mother.

"You should leave before he comes back. His patience is thinner than the ozone layer on earth."

Troia's voice broke the panic bubble, reminding me that I didn't want to anger the war general who was famous for his victories on the battlefield. If he easily killed five wives before me, I can't imagine how easily he would take my life if he didn't like something I did. The sound of my neck breaking would definitely be something I heard.

My steps swayed heavily, as if there were thousands of tons instead of my own body that I was supporting. But I forced myself to follow Xander who had already entered the car with the door wide open. There is a human standing next to the car. His condition was not much different from mine, his body was shaking from head to toe.

My head moves right and left. I don't have time to pity other creatures while my fate is still grey.

I entered the car and when the door closed, the car immediately drove off.

Xander sat on the other side of the door while I tried to cling and shrink. I couldn't pay attention on the way to Xander's house. My focus was on putting together words to convince Xander to send money to Mom.

The car stopped and my body went back into alert mode. Xander immediately went downstairs without wasting any time. I followed his movements in a hurry and jogged until I entered the house and closed the door. When I turned around, Xander was standing three steps in front of me with his arms folded across his chest, making his arms much larger than before. His long hair no longer moved in the wind and the entire room was like a dead city; without sound. Not even with my breath choking again and my muscles refusing to move. The only thing I could hear was my heart beating between my ears.

My eyes couldn't move from Xanderr's eyes, waiting for what he would do. With a body that big, I knew he could move pretty fast. I don't want to miss any movement.

I was so focused and the first thing I saw was his lips moving and then his voice husky in my ear.

"Take off your clothes and open your legs. Wide."


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