Twenty-Three: Acceptance & Improvement

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Jasper Jennings

"Miles... where the heck are you and what the hell are you doing snooping around on my laptop!" I barged into Miley's room, red hot flames of anger burning on my face. "I need to use it for school!"

Miley teased me by looking up momentarily from looking at my laptop to stick her tongue out at my scowling face. "I also have to finish a school project. It'll only take a minute. Be patient."

I slammed my foot down and placed my hands on my hips defensively. "You know you could've just asked dad to lend you a laptop instead of stealing mine from my room when I went to the bathroom."

Miley rolled her eyes. "It's not like you were doing anything important anyway. Let's see... you were oh well, well, well."

"Hey! Stop looking at my search history!" I lunged toward Miley trying to snatch the laptop from her grip but she jumped out of the way just in time so I ended up hitting my head against the bed frame.

"OW!" I exclaimed. "You suck. You're literally invading my personal privacy and you made me hit my head against your stupid bedframe. Now I'm going to have a concussion."

"Stop being so dramatic," Miley cocked her head egotistically, "besides, your search history isn't embarrassing, it's just kind of surprising. It isn't even bad or inappropriate. I mean, some kids went on the hub during school on their school accounts. I sat behind one of them and now I'm scarred for life."

I ignored her and started lunging for my laptop again when Miley grabbed my hand, stopping me. "What. Exactly. Did. You. See." I gritted my teeth.

"Well... if you want to know," Miley turned the laptop around and showed me my Google search history. "Just your Google searches on the LGBTQ+ community, pride month, and 'how to come out to my parents.'"

I froze, unsure of what to do and how to react.

"Big bro, if you're whatever it is that you are, I support you. Just um, make sure you know what consent is and stuff. Yeah. I mean, I can delete your search history since it's your personal account. Just... let me do my work. I literally have to hand in an infographic in two hours."

"You don't have to delete it," I said.

"But..." I started, "you don't think any differently about me, do you?"

"Of course not," said Miley, "I still think you're an annoying a-hole that's kind of clueless sometimes. Now, let me finish my infographic. If you wanna talk, come back in half an hour and don't worry, you'll have your computer back."

I decided to follow one of those quick cookie recipes that Caleb had sent to me so I had something to do for the next half an hour.

The oven rang just as Miley arrived in the kitchen. "That smells amazing," she said, placing my laptop on the counter.

"Then try one," I said, handing her a misshapen cookie.

She took a bite and then let out a sigh of pleasure. "Do you want to talk?" she asked after finishing her cookie.

"Will our parents hear us?" I asked.

Miley rolled her large brown eyes. "Mom's at work and dad's at his upstairs office busy doing who knows what. No one will hear us if we talk in the living room."

"Okay, sure, why not," I agreed, putting the rest of the cookies on a plate and taking the plate to the living room.

"I just wanted to say that there's nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? You could've told me if you wanted. Like half of the TV shows that I watch have gay couples or whatever. But I do understand if you don't feel comfortable with it, especially because I might talk too loudly and mom and dad might overhear and they, well, they are them. They don't have opinions on anything other than the weather, the quality of the services at our local church, and Christmas decorations and stuff. They're averse to politics."

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