3 - Clusmsiest, who?... Me Ofc

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I thanked her and was about to leave when Xavier entered the room. She asked me to stay. I sat on a stool in front of her while Xavier sat beside me on the other one.

"Mr. Quinn, your band will be competing in the Symphony Shindig." She asked.

He nodded once.

"I want another performance from your side."

"Another performance?"


"Is it for the competition or-"

She stopped him in the middle of his sentence "Not the competition, I want it at the opening ceremony."


I know where this is going. And it's definitely not good.

Not the duo thing please.

I prayed in my mind.

"Okay, we'll prepare a song and present it to you, whenever you say." Xavier replied.

No baby, she wants us to perform. Not you with your band. She wants you and me to perform.

"Not with your band, Mr. Quinn."

This time Xavier's brows furrowed, not understanding what she meant by that "Pardon?"

"I want you and Ms. Knight to give a performance on the opening night."

Xavier just stared at her not uttering a word.

His eyes slowly moved from her to me, they stopped on me for a few minutes, I guess he was cursing me in his mind because... guys Xavier Quinn hates me. Then he looked back at her.

"You want me to perform without my band?" He asked again for clarification.

She nodded "Ashton and Stanley will be performing at the closing night, so I want a favour from you."

"Can they join us in the end?" Xavier suggested.

"What are you trying to say?"

"She and I will perform as a duo, then at the end of our performance my band can join us. Don't you think it'll be fun that way?"

"I think that's a good one. I agree." She then turned to me and asked "Ms. Knight, do you have any problem with that?"

I shook my head "Of course not."

"Good then, let's do it that way." She looked between the two of us and continued "Also I want the songs you're gonna perform within two days."

My eyes widened.

Two days?

Just 48 hours?

Only 2880 minutes?

Meaning 172800 seconds.... Fuck no.

172800 seconds are not enough for me to get comfortable around him. No, actually even a year is not enough for me to forget the embarrassing chats I had with him.

"Will do that, Mrs. Robinson." Xavier replied.

Mrs. Robinson rose up from her seat and left the room. I remained frozen on my seat waiting for him to say something or decide something about the song. But instead he got up from his seat and picked up his guitar, adjusting it in his back. He was already leaving when I stood up.

"Aren't we discussing?" I asked.

He stopped on his way, his back towards me.

"Do your research, I'll do mine then we can discuss it tomorrow in the morning." Again he was about to leave but I stopped him.

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