21 - 'Never Have I Ever'

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I held her in my arms as we stared at each other.

I was serious when I said I wasn't ready to end what we have.

There is a strange connection between us that makes me restless even if one day I am unable to see her

I placed my lips on hers not moving them but just resting them on hers.

"You are confusing me Viviana. I can't force you. But if you want us to continue what we have then you'll have to come to me and tell me."

I pulled away from her "I have made my attempt to keep you, the question here is, do you wanna stay?"

Her brown orbs were fixed on me, those brown orbs which I enjoy when they steal glances at me. Those brown orbs when they get impatient when she's being ignored.

Her eyes speaks everything to me.

"As for now, let's stay for a while. It's comfortable with you."

I wasn't lying.

"If I could, I would cuddle with you all night." I really meant it. I love having her in my arms. Hugging her feels different. Hugging her gives me peace, my mind is at peace, my heart doesn't have to worry about the future.

The wish of hers, after sex the man would cuddle with her I can be that man to her but at the same time I can't.

Somewhere in my mind, there is always Dad. He wants me to be a perfect son and I want to be his perfect son but in order to fulfil Dad's wish I have to sacrifice mine.

Never for a single thing has my Dad praised me and there's this saying 'when you do not get what you crave for you tend to crave for it more'.

That's the case with me. I want him to praise me and for that I am ready to sacrifice everything because I feel like that one moment will be worth my sacrifices.

We laid like that for a while.

"Xavier." She called.


"Would you really be happy?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You want to take over your Dad's business, right? So are you really happy to do that?"

"I want to be his perfect kid."

"But why?" She turned to me. "Why do you want to force yourself to do something?"

"It's messy."

"I am ready to hear all of it."

"I am not ready to tell you."

"I won't tell anyone. I promise."

He scoffed "I don't believe in promises."

"Evidently, you do not trust me."

I chuckled and turned towards her "Trust is a very heavy word."

She stared at me, not satisfied with the answer I gave.

"Have you ever seen me shirtless?" I asked.

She shook her head.

Getting up from the bed I said "Like you are insecure about your stretch marks, I too am insecure about a few things."

"W-What?" She stuttered, sitting up.

I took my tee off. Her eyes travelled down my body, her breath hitched a small blush crept on her cheeks. She bit her lips.

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