31 - Bipolar Motherf-

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I opened my eyes when he pulled away from the kiss. My face was flushed, I gulped hard with my eyes fixed on him.

"This is what I have been wanting. Now, are you still insecure of Anya?"

It was like I was under somebody's spell, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He smirked.

Xavier went to fetch something, leaving me frozen on his bike. My eyes landed on Brody, he was watching me. As our eyes met he looked away.

He saw it. And Xavier did it internationally, maybe not for Brody to see it but definitely for Anya because Anya too was present there.

He returned back a few minutes later and made me wear the helmet.

"Not even for a second lose your hold on me." He instructed strictly.

I nodded.

"Are you scared of speed?"

"Depends on what's the speed."

"Listen to me Viviana, any moment you feel like you can't take it just tell me. I'll slow down instantly."

"But you'll lose."

"I don't care. No race is more than you." Saying he sat on the bike.

And then you say you are gonna hurt me. How is that gonna happen Xavier?

Sawyer announced "Get ready guys! We're gonna start with the bikers who have qualified earlier."

I sat on his bike, wrapping my hands around his waist.

This race had Xavier, Brody, Ashton and the others I didn't know. The people who weren't in this race, did not satisfy some criteria or maybe they lost some race earlier.

"Hey Xavi." A male voice called from beside us. It was a guy. He smirked at Xavier. Anya took her seat on his bike.

"I have your lady luck today." He said, signalling to Anya.

Ignoring him, Xavier looked in the front focusing on the race.

Damn! Everyone here is so obsessed with her and it's annoying. Why is she lucky? The credit should be given to Xavier because he won the race, not because Anya was there with him.

I looked at his bike and a name was carved on it 'Leon'.

His name was on the board. Last year, Xavier ended in the 1st place and he was the 2nd one. Clearly he hates Xavier.

My hold might have loosened on Xavier. He held my hands and tried making it firm.

"All the best." I said lightly.

Without replying he started the engine. "Are we ready people?" Sawyer shouted on the PA system. I could hear the engine starting.

"Get. Set. Go!" As Sawyer announced it, all the bikes drove at the same time and at the same speed.

Fuck! This is fast!!!!

I clutched onto his shirt tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yep. You can speed up." It was evident that he was driving a bit slow for me.

"You sure?"

"Just speed up, Xavier!" I shouted and he accelerated, over taking everyone in his way.

It felt like my heart would pop out of my chest, it was so fast.

I closed my eyes, telling myself that it's gonna be okay. I opened my eyes once to see what's happening around me. He literally took a turn and the bike was just a few inches away from touching the ground.

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