4. Who is she?

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This man was dog-tired after a hectic weekend. He had to fly to Paris on Friday morning for a business deal and it was a success and it was all because of months and months of hard work by his zealous employees. His company was trying hard to crack this deal for a really long time

Eugene was inclined to throw a party for this huge success and Artemis somehow agreed with him. Everyone deserves a celebration once in a while.

He came back to the mansion on Sunday midnight and fell asleep in no time.

It was already 6 AM when he was woken up by his alarm. No doubt he was an early bird and maintained a strict lifestyle, always prioritising his body and mental fitness. After an hour of breaking sweat in his personalised gym, he took a relaxing warm shower and stood in front of the mirror, attached to his bedroom.

The moment his gaze fell into his eyes, a flood of emotions swirled around him.

He was never like this. He was never this cruel. If truth be told, he was so happy back then, which anybody could easily understand by the glint of his eyes.

People around them used to freely approach him, but now they fear him. He used to be a patient man but now his short temperament made him aloof.

He came to his room and sat at the edge of his bed. Opening the side table drawer, he pulled out a golden photo frame of a beautiful woman, smiling wholeheartedly.

"Ana", he whispered with an aching voice, "I wish you would here", he said and embraced that photo frame close to his heart. He still missed his deceased wife. His mate. His best friend. His Anastasia.

His beastly built and stoic attitude made him look intimidating and unapproachable, but only moon goddess knows the true person he is hiding beneath those tough skin. He is broken, he is shattered. Only he knows how every single day of his, passes with agony.

Agony to live without his soulmate.

Agony to live with the regret of not saving his wife that day.

Agony to live like a tough man without showing his vulnerability to the world.

Agony to suppress his pain in front of others.

Only he knows how it felt like a walking dead body.





He walked through the corridor in his usual Armani suit dress along with black shoes and an expensive golden-coloured watch, with his head held high.

Every servant bowed to him as soon as they sensed him, passing in front of them.

He opened the door of his office and found his brother, Eugene, already waiting for him inside.

"Good morning, Brother", Eugene wished him with a warm tight hug. A pursed tight smile formed on Artemis' face. "Good morning", he replied.

Eugene took two steps back and held his chin with his thumb and forefinger and scanned Artemis from to bottom. "You are looking damn good and extra handsome today, bro.", he asked with a mischievous smile.

"Stop flattering me and tell me what you need", Artemis said. He knows his brother's habit when he needs something. Eugene never misses a chance to butter him when he wants something or wants to make his Elder brother agree to something.

"I was thinking if we organise a party next weekend. Since we cracked this big deal, our employees are eagerly waiting for one."

"Our employees, huh", Artemis taunted. " I am sensing, it's more like you want this party more than our employees"

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