8. Amusement Park

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From next week, Poppy continued with her job. She was expecting Theo's father would apologize to her for his rudeness at least for once, but she never saw him again since their last encounter. It was Eugene, who asked forgiveness for his brother's misbehaviour. According to him, there was 0.0001 % chance that Artemis makes mistakes when judging people. And if he does, he never says sorry. 'Sorry' was not in his dictionary.

Another week passed by very quickly. The teacher-student relationship between Poppy and Theo was still seeking for a proper foundation. Theo's unapproachable attitude towards her was making it difficult for Poppy each passing day.

One day, Theo had put a fake mechanical spider on her bag while she was leaving the mansion. On her way back home, her phone rang. She reached for the phone inside her bag when something crawled on her fingers. She freaked out and a scream left from her mouth. She jerked back her hands out of the bag instantly.

The driver pulled the brake abruptly and looked behind to inspect what happened. Both of them were stunned when they saw a toy spider crawling out of her bag. Her face turned red in embarrassment.

That driver had already predicted that this prank must have been done by none other than Master Theodore, He was working with Lykios family for a long time and knew how his young master was. This incident made him recall how Theo had painted his bald head when he was taking a nap in the backyard.

"I am sorry, I overreacted", Poppy was feeling guilty that for her stupidity, he had to stop the car absurdly.

That man gave a warm smile to her and said, " It's okay, Madam. I know you are facing problems with your current job. But trust me, everything is going to be fine. All you have to do is have some patience. That kid is nothing like he portrays himself to the world."

Poppy smiled back but didn't understand the true meaning behind his words. Her mind was already pre-occupied by cursings for that little devil.





It was Sunday morning. Her alarm clock made her open eyes and a big smile adorned her face as soon as she remembered it was her day off. She didn't have to face that brat for today.

She was literally beaming with happiness. She walked to the living area and turned on the music system. She was swaying her hips and humming with the rhythm when Edina noticed her from the kitchen.

"Someone is looking very happy today", she said, looking at her, whisking eggs in a bowl.

Poppy gave a big smile and plopped on the couch, "Yes I am because today is Sunday" she said excitedly.

Edina didn't understand what was so special about this Sunday. Poppy was never a Sunday person. She had always loved her job and wished that Sunday was also her working day.

Normally on Sundays, she prefered spending her whole Time reading books, watching movies and all other activities which are done only indoors. Most of the time she would invite Eva to accompany her.

Edina looked at her with confusion. "So? You never behave like this on your Sundays."

"Yes, I know. I am happy because I don't have to face that devil.", she answered with a quirk and danced with the rhythm. 'And also his monstrous Father', she thought in her mind but didn't voice it out.

Edina was confused about whom she was talking about. "Devil, who?"

"Theodore. My student", she said with a duh face.

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