☆{~Chapter 1: Subway.~}☆

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<You, Poob, an absolute party machine had had enough for the day. Your eye's where heavy & your arms were weak as you sat and waited for the subway train.>

Poob: "The subway bus was supposed to be here an hour ago.." You groan  and rub your head, messing up your hair.

<Infected had just walked out the elevator as he greeted you with a kind wave.>

Infected: "H3y, P0ob!" He greeted sneezing.

Poob: You looked at him with a smile. "Hey, Infected." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes.

Infected: "1 Ju2t Cam3 h3re t0 g3t P3st H0me." He smiled as you couldn't see Pest.

Poob: You looked around until someone had tapped your arm from behind you. "!" A bit startled, you greet Pest with a smile.

Pest: "..あなたはちょうどベッドから出たばかりのようです。" He looked at you with a cold glare you felt peirce through your soul..Creepy..but cute?

Poob: "Well, I'm sure whatever you said is nice!- I hope." You looked back at Infected as he was already gone.

<It was just you and a grumpy beetle. Two polar opposites.>

Poob: You blinked slowly as you began to lose consciousness. You muble a few words, but you couldn't hear them yourself.

Pest: He felt a sudden thump on his shoulder as he saw you leaning on his arm. "この雌犬は本当に私に気を失ったのでしょうか。" He'd growl.

<Pest sat quietly as he glared at you, uncomfortable.>

(ERRRRR.....10 HOURS LATER ITS LIKE....5am :p in the story.)

Poob: You wake up only to feel your couch. You swore you didn't see the bus. You looked around & went into your room as you 6 Pest under your bed.

Poob: "What the heck." You crouched down seeing two red eyes.

Pest: "はい?" He looked at you.

Poob: "You really just had to go under my bed." You glared.(Angy Poob >:])

Pest: He crawled up from out under your bed using all 4 hands. "Indeed." He awnsered.

Poob: You walked back into the living room and flopped onto the couch into a deep sleep.

Pest: He quietly covers you with one of your blankets & pick pocket some of your money (STILL OBLIVIOUS TOO-) and left.

[End of Chapter 1 >:) ]
(I'm trying to do a classic start & like progressively gets higher yk-. Also 385 wordz!)

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