{~Chaper:6: Sobbing.~}

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(Also, April fools, yall thought I was going to discontinue? NAH, WE TOO DEEP IN DIS NOW)

(Pest Pov)

You, Pest, were sitting in the subway, stealing a few coins from people, and see a familiar face, Poob. They (finally using Poob's correct pronouns-) seemed more down than usual. You couldn't help but ask...

Pest: "What's wrong with you.." ***You grumbled.***

Poob: "..." ***A annoyed sigh came from Poob.***

Pest: "Poob? Are you going to respond or..."***You said with a bit of an anonnoyed voice.***

Poob: "I don't want to talk about it...." ***Poob's tone sounded slightly annoyed & shakey.***

Pest: "Alright...何を言っても。"

☆Hours have passed, you and Poob were silent before you, Pest could hear sniffling from Poob.☆

Pest: "Are you..crying?" ***You tilted your head, a bit shocked, and confused.***

Poob: "..." ***You could see his tears stream down his face as he covered his face, whiping his hears.***

{☆You quietly looked awkwardly until the elevator dinged, showing Infected's apartment, Infected walked in with his smile turning to a frown seeing Poob's mental state.☆}

Infected: "Ar3 y0u 4lr1ght-?" ***He looked with a concerned look leading with a sneeze after the sentence.***

Poob: "I....I don't know anymore..." ***They said, their voice shaked as they collapsed, crying on the floor.***

{☆Infected, and you run over to Poob, making sure that Poob didn't get hurt.☆}

Infected: "3v3ryth1ng w1ll b3 4lr1ght..." ***Infected said, patting Poob's head & hugging Poob close.***

Pest: ***You quietly chitter, creating a smooth, relaxing noise, attempting to calm down Poob, since you weren't the best at verbally comforting.***

Poob: ***Poob's crying soon came to a stop at Pest, and Infected's comfort. Poob cracked a smile.*** "Heh...I'm a mess, arnt I..." ***They sniffled rubbing their eyes.***

Infected & Pest: "Our mess♡..." ***You and Infected hug Poob closely with a smile.***

Poob: "Heh..love you guys too..♡" ***They smiled.***
The end of Chapter 6}

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