Chapter 9:|☆Popping Ballons☆|Pt:1

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{☆Disclaimer: Small smut, heavy angst.☆}
This part will be Angst!
{☆ It was a quiet day in regretevator...or at least that's what Poob felt..It was a bit too quiet for their liking, as they were just left with the voices in their head and themselves. In their apartment. Alone. In complete silence. The static buzzed in their head as it felt like it would never end as Poob layed in bed. Pent-up distress. Poob turned, grabbing his phone off the nightstand, attempting to start up a conversation with DrRETRO, their therapist.☆

Display name: ☆Therapist Retro☆ (DrRETRO)

Poob: "Hey Retro! :]"

DrRETRO: "Hello, Party Noob. It's quite early to be awake, is their something you need or want to talk about?"

Poob: "No just a bit bored yk? It's so quiet! I can even hear the static of my TV and sometimes the air.. :/ and i guess just a little overwhelmed. "

DrRETRO: "Ah. May I ask why your feeling 'overwhelmed'?"

Poob: "I dunno, it's just all these parties and I've been planing and I have 2 go to one in a few hours and I don't know what to do and I'm rlly rlly rlly tired!and I don't feel like getting up and I feel so drained-"

DrRETRO: "Party Noob, I can only get so much info at one time...Please, maybe, break it down?"

Poob: "Oh! My bad Heh-"

DrRETRO: "Just take a breath and break it down, I'm all ears."

Poob: "Ok...well..I've been so drained about party's just...I know you told me to 'cut down' from doing but...I just...I don't know, I'm just addicted...and we'll, I feel like that's my purpose. To give people joy and happiness. Nothing else. If I can't please them, then who do I please? Like...rlly...:[ but that's just what I think at the moment. It's probably going to go away! -_-"

DrRETRO: "Party Noob, I can assure you theirs more to life than pleasing other people. You live to enjoy and embrace the feeling of being free, and have fun without shame, or feeling like you're too much or less. Alrighty? Never feel like you're not enough, or have to do something just because to please others. Ok?"

Poob: "Ok, ty...:]"

☆ *Poob set down their phone, letting out a small whine and pouting, they didn't like venting alot...but sometimes it slips out...Poob sighed, looking up at the calendar on their wall. They had a party to host tomorrow for Melanie's birthday. Poob groaned, letting out a small sob. They didn't want to get up. They didn't feel like it. They were so mentally drained they were at the edge of breaking down.. Why did they have to do this...why right now? Can't they just cancel it?...No.. then they would feel bad...its their birthday after all... Everything has to be PERFECT, and only PERFECT. Seeking approval from others is necessary..or what Poob thought. Poob stopped their whining and got up, looking through their storage for party streamers and other decorations, letting out small huffs of dread and tiredness.* ☆

Poob(mumbling): "I..*huff*....I don't will be worth it right...?" *Poob whined.leaning their head on one of the boxes, grabbing their phone and scrolling a bit, leaning onto the box before getting a message.*

Contact: ♡¤Game Expert!¤♡ (Infected)

Infected: "H3y0-"

Poob: "Oh hi Infected :3 whacha need?"

Infected: "I d7nn0-! 1m j5st b0r3d.."

Poob: "Oh? U can come over, and we could chat :D"

Infected: "0h! Hmmmm....S7r3 l0l, 1'll b3 th3ir 1n a s3c!"

Poob: "Cool, alr!"
☆ *It was a while before Infected could actually get their, Poob gave them hug as they clinged to him tightly.* ☆

Infected: "H3h, wh4ts 4ll th1s s7dd3n cl1ng7n3ss?-" *Infected snickered, hugging back, patting Poob's head gently.*

Poob(mumbling): "Nothing, just missed u!" *Poob inferred, giving Infected a sweet and caring kiss on their lips while tightening his grip.*

☆ *Infected snickered, giving Poob small kisses on their forehead in return.* ☆

Infected: "Pl4nn1ng 4n0th3r p4rt7? 4lr34dy-?" *Infected asked, a bit surprised but also not..this was Party Noob after's in their name.*

Poob: *Poob let out a troubled sigh, letting out a slight grumbled.* "Yeah..I'm glad u came tho! I can finally relax for a bit...even though it's just a little.." *Poob implied, leaning their head onto Infected's chest.*

Infected: "0h-? Th3n h0w ab0ut 4 m0vi3-? U c0uld r3ally g0 f0r s0m3 R0ttmnt r1gh7 n0w..." *Infected implied, rubbing Poob's head gently.*

Poob: "Sure, that dosent sound 2 bad-!" *Poob snickered giving Infected a small joyous smile.*

-end of part 1.-

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