{~Chapter 5: Fasion~}

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(Hello! :] If you got this far into reading, then thank you for over 40 veiws! I know it may seem me being obnoxious, but I didn't think I would get any veiws in general. Thank you.)

(Also, ya girl ran out of ideas, so we gonna put one of these mf in a red carpet dress. GUESS WHO.)


<You, Poob, where in your apartment helping Pest, & Infected try out some new clothes including you. (Not that you were sick of it, but you wanted to try something new! And yes, you all remember yesterday😁👍).>

Infected: "I think this shirt is a bit too baggy.." He'd T-Pose (lol).

Poob: "I dunno. I think it looks nice, but that's just me!-" You say with a kind smile.

Pest: "あなたの服はすべてぶかぶかです..." He looked at you.

Poob: "Huh-" Soonly to be cut off by Pest.

Pest: "もう十分です。Who is going next?" He tilted his head.

Poob: "I guess I will -" You say, heading to the bedroom dressing into a Y2k look as you head out the bedroom. "Tada!-"

Infected: "N0t b4d!-" He'd say, giving a thumbs up.

Pest: "It's nice." He agreed.

Poob: You sat next to Infected. "Your turn, Pest!" He smiled.

Pest: He groaned as you saw him walk out in a red sparky carpet dress with a red hoodie. (classic hoodie-)

Poob: "Wow! So pretty ^^-" You complemented.

Infected: "N1c3!" He'd smile.

Pest: "My hips feel weird in this. I'm changing back." He'd strut effortlessly back to the bedroom to change. (SLAY-😭)

*While Pest is changing back*

Poob: "-_- It's weird seeing him with hips -" You say, breaking the silence.

Infected: "Ph3wph...1th0ught it w4s ju2t m3- N-N0t th4t it's b4d-!" He'd say with a smile & blushing.

Poob: "Not bad indee-" You'd see Pest stand in the doorway.

Pest: "Why are you guys talking about my hips????" He'd say narrowing his eyes with a slight growl.

Infected: "W-Wh4t h1ps? I m3an- Sh1t-" He'd stumbled on his own words even more, turning more red. You try not to laugh.

Pest: "うーん。" He'd say with a grin.

Poob: "MOVIE TIME ^^-" You say, dragging Pest into the living room with Infected. (Wait, aren't they the same hight- Bro is carrying the same weight he is 💀-)

Poob: "^^ what movie?" You ask.

Pest: "Horror."

Infected: "Uh...1 qu3ss." He a bit nervous.

(1 hour into the movie 🎬-)


<You, Infected where practically clinging onto Pest and Poob was laying on you as you all watched the scary goober part comes on.>

Infected: You whined as you covered your eyes peeking slightly.

Poob: " Pest, how do you watch this-" As you felt, Poob clung to your side.

Pest: "..." He glared as he slowly blinked all his 4 eyes at Poob.

Poob: "Wha-"

<Infected & Poob gets jumpscared by the movie.>

Poob: " WHAT THE *🎉*" He'd scream.

Infected: "*Crying like the man he is 😁*"

Pest: "それは最も恐ろしい部分でもありません。Also it wasn't even scary.." He'd say with a grin.

Poob & Infected: "😨" You & Poob turn to look at Pest.

Pest: "What-?" He'd say narrowing his eye.

Infected: "Wh4t k1nd 0f murd3r d0cum3nter1es ar3 y0u w4tching-" You were still shaking after the most heart attack given jumpscare (The movie is The EXORCIST. Babez, I know for a fact Pest would watch that ^^-)

Pest: "The news." He'd say with a straight face.

Poob: He'd grab your hand looking at Pest with a shock face. (The trio of romance -^-)

[End of Chapter 5.]
(Yes I left you guys with cliff hangers & feel free to make a storie on the end of this scenario. lol - it's 10pm. AUGGHHH-)

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