{~Chapter 4: Bugs.~}

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(Ima try and squeeze in kisses & hugs alr- IM TRYING 😭)


<You, Infected where in the elevator chilling sitting on the floor. Still remembering yesterday, you flustered up.>

Infected: You covered your face as you sat mumbling words as you heard Poob greet you as he entered the elevator.

Poob: "Hey Infected!-" He'd wave with a smile.

Infected: "0h h3y!-" You stuttered.

Poob: "You seem down. What up! (HEHEH PUN.)" He said, walking over & sitting next to you.

Infected: "1 dunn0 y3st3rday w4s sa w3r1d..." You start to turn red again, flusturing up.

Poob: "Now that I agree on -" He'd agree.

Pest: "I knew you two would talk about me." He climbed into the elevator through the hatch.

<You & Poob look up a bit in shock.>

Poob: "Get down from their your going to get hurt!-" He implied.

Infected: "H333yyy-" He said with an awkward smile.

Pest: "Hm.." He climbed down. "You look like a tomato, why." He pointed at you.

Infected: "H3h..1 D0n't r3ally w4nt t0 t4lk 4b0ut 1t.." You say, looking to the side awkwardly.

Pest: "Alright." He sat on the opposite side of you.

<Akward silence.>

Poob: "So..uhm what's your guys' floor you guys are heading to?" He'd say trying to break the silence.

Infected: "W3ll...t0 m7 aparrm3nt 1 th1nk.." You said, stumbling over your own words.

Pest: "To see Dr.Retro." He'd show his scratched & burned hands.

Poob: "🤨-" He'd  look at you with a devious stare. "How??-"

Pest: "Not all floors are avoidable."

Infected: You could see Pest & Poob question each other back and forth as they seem to be over your head.

Poob: "Your hand looks like charcoal -"

Pest: "Insult or compliment." He tilted his head.

Poob: "It means you should be more careful." He implied.)

(Scraped version ^)

(Ima try and squeeze in kisses & hugs alr- IM TRYING 😭)


<You, Infected where in the elevator chilling sitting on the floor. Still remembering yesterday, you flustered up.>

Infected: You covered your face as you sat mumbling words as you heard Poob greet you as he entered the elevator.

Poob: "Hey Infected!-" He'd wave with a smile.

Infected: "0h h3y!-" You stuttered.

Poob: "You seem down. What up! (HEHEH PUN.)" He said, walking over & sitting next to you.

Infected: "1 dunn0 y3st3rday w4s sa w3r1d..." You start to turn red again, flusturing up.

Poob: "Now that I agree on -" He'd agree.

Pest: "I knew you two would talk about me." He climbed into the elevator through the hatch.

<You & Poob look up a bit in shock.>

Poob: "Get down from their your going to get hurt!-" He implied.

Infected: "H333yyy-" He said with an awkward smile.

Pest: "Hm.." He climbed down. "You look like a tomato, why." He pointed at you.

Infected: "H3h..1 D0n't r3ally w4nt t0 t4lk 4b0ut 1t.." You say, looking to the side awkwardly.

Pest: "Alright." He sat on the opposite side of you.

<Akward silence.>

Poob: "So..uhm what's your guys' floor you guys are heading to?" He'd say trying to break the silence.

Infected: "W3ll...t0 m7 aparrm3nt 1 th1nk.." You said, stumbling over your own words.

Pest: "To see Dr.Retro." He'd show his scratched & burned hands.

Poob: "🤨-" He'd  look at you with a devious stare. "How??-"

Pest: "Not all floors are avoidable."

Infected: You could see Pest & Poob question each other back and forth as they seem to be over your head.

Poob: "Your hand looks like charcoal-"

Pest: "Insult or compliment." He tilted his head.

Poob: "It means you should be more careful." He implied.

(What it baisicly looked like, and yes, I know it's trash -)

<Pest & Poob arguing about self care.>

Infected: (Red tomato ^^) Your  face turned a bright red as Poob towered over you arguing.

Pest: He'd push Poob's hand away leaning forward. "あなたは私の忍耐力を試しています。" He growled.

Infected: "H3h..uhm-" You let out a nervous chuckle as you noticed them look at you instantly. (HA YA GAY BALL -)

Pest; "Why so nervous." He looked at you, tilting his head.

Infected: "W3ll- uhm- I-" You tripped over your own words.

Pest: "What? Are you intrigued with our charm✨️?" He grinned.

Poob: "Charm? Psh...He means me!" He'd say flipping his hair

Infected: "Wh4- Ar3 y0u tw0 3v3n h4v3 a g3-" You were soon cut off by Poob.

Poob & Pest: "Do you want to do a questionnaire to find out or do you want a kiss to figure out how you feel afterward?- Come here sweet cheeks now give me a kith-"(Memes, goofy goober-)

<Pest & Poob baisicly smothering Infected in smooches.>

Poob: "So how do you feel gay or straight?"

Infected: "Uuuuh-" (Infected.exe has stopped working.

[End of Chapter 4. 788 WORDZ!]
(I'm trying my best to make it complete alr pooks-)

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