Chapter 5: Mom?

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I woke up to a bunch of hushed gossiping outside of my room.

"Did you see what someone put on Mr. Knight's door? It looks like he has an admirer." The ladies continued to giggle before they left. What? I wrote a bunch of insults and pasted them on his door.

I don't need a medical degree to see this man needs some serious help. Feel free to chip on his psychiatry bill.

I'd tell him myself, but I ran out of crayons and puppets. He struggles with communication so good luck!

Are we sure he can handle this job? I saw him licking the drinking fountain the other day like a rabid dog.

I looked at the time and it was 6:30 am. I grumbled as I inched my way towards the door. I had to see what those ladies were laughing about. After a short walk, I gasped. What had someone done to my beautiful handiwork?

Lance, it's a good thing I have my library card because I'm totally checking you out.

Did you do something to my eyes, Lance, because I can't take my eyes off you?

I must be dreaming because you look too good to be real.

"Ladies, ladies. There is plenty of me to go around. Good morning, Laura. Nice pajamas," he proclaimed way too loudly in front of a huddle of people eyeing him. I looked down at my outfit in disbelief. Shoot! How could this have happened? People started pointing at my micro-shorts and I really felt self-conscious. Wait. Why should I? I have a banging body after my years of cheerleading. And the signs... Lance must have changed them last minute! Ugh!

I glared at him and walked up to him ready to strangle him.

"Laura, you didn't have to write these notes for me. I know how you really feel," Lance whispered as he nudged me. I had to come up with another plan. A more deadly plan. I'd buy lots of fireworks and set them off in his room.

"Say cheese!" A camera flashed and I saw that Lance was taking a selfie with me.

"Give me that!" I shouted and hopped on my tippy toes trying to grab his phone.

"What's going on here?" my dad asked, shocked at my attire and that I was trying to take Lance's phone. "Go get changed now! I don't pay you to gawk at Mr. Knight!"

I turned to walk away, and I felt something on my shoulders. I felt something soft and saw it was a blanket. Lance's hand was still on my shoulder for another moment before he left me in front of his office door.

I hesitated to part with the blanket. It was so soft, and Lance's scent was intoxicating. Yum. I shook my head and threw the blanket on the bed. I showered and dressed in a black blouse and a red skirt that was left on my bed. It seemed to fit well so I headed to the kitchen to prepare a meal.

When I walked in at eight o'clock, I saw that Lance was already cutting up vegetables for the salad. He looked handsome in a black collared shirt and black pants. He had a red watch on his wrist. Wait a second? Wasn't I wearing a black and red outfit?

"You look good. We should match more often." Lance! He was the one putting clothes in my room!

"You chose this?" I pointed to my outfit with a blank look.

"Of course. This is our third date. I wanted it to be clear to everyone that you are my mate. Your father only hires werewolves so we can talk openly about what we are. Get ready, sweetheart to have your taste buds taken to heaven."

I shook my head and put the bouquets in the flower vases the company already owned as Lance started boiling water on the stovetop. He made cooking look so graceful, and it was mesmerizing to watch. I felt a pull towards him and started humming a song. Lance caught me looking at him and I blushed. I stopped humming and distracted myself by cutting up some fruit.

"Let me help," Lance offered and reached his hands over mine. He guided my hands as I was cutting, and it felt like my soul was leaving my body. His touch had me craving more of him. His aroma filled the kitchen and I leaned into his chest.

"All done." Lance was right. The fruit was perfectly sliced and in a bowl. He pulled out a chair for me and I accepted his gesture. What was wrong with me? He hurt me in the past and I won't forget how he treated me when I gave him my heart. He couldn't be trusted, and neither could any romantic feelings I had for him.

I found myself closing my eyes and resting my head on the counter. The counter felt so cool on my forehead in the warm kitchen. I felt so warm, despite wearing a skirt. My head was pounding so violently as if someone used my head as a drum. Even breathing was exhausting. I couldn't resist the pull of sleep and I felt myself going limp.

"Laura? Are you okay? Wake up!" I tuned out the noise. Was someone carrying me? I could walk on my own.

"Roger, I need you to work on the food in the kitchen. Laura passed out," Lance commanded. I could barely hear him as I lay limp in his arms.

Mom? Is that you? I saw my mother in a white gown. She was radiant and it reminded me of her wedding day. I always imagined what she looked like that day, but this seemed more real. I tried reaching out to give her a hug, but she seemed far away.

"Hi, honey. I have to leave you. I'm so sorry." I saw a woman in white grab my mother's hand, and they walked away from me.

"Mom? Mom? Mom!" I heard this loud beeping in my ears, and I wanted it to stop. It was hurting my head and I couldn't think clearly.

"Clear!" I felt a jolt, and everything was suddenly bright. My mom wasn't in front of me anymore.

"Mom! Where are you?" I muttered and reached out into the light. Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep. The loud beeping stopped, and I opened my eyes.

"Dad?" I saw him in the corner crying and talking to someone on the phone.

"Keep breathing, honey. The paramedics are on the way. Honey? Damn it!" I don't remember ever seeing my dad cry before and his swearing was just as common. What was happening?

There were a bunch of strangers and things hooked up to me. I was in.... a hospital?

"Dad, what's going on?" My voice was a bit raspy, and I coughed. Everything was blurry.

"Honey, here is some water. I'm going to help you sit up," a woman quietly said.

"Mom, is that you?"

"I'm sorry. Your mother isn't here." Someone was holding my hand and rubbing circles on my skin. It felt nice, but I needed to find my mom, so I tried moving my hand. It didn't budge.

"Where is my mom? What do you mean she isn't here. Is she coming? Where is she!" I yelled.

"I want my mom! Mom!"

"Shhhh. I'm here. It's dad. I need you to calm down. I'll explain everything to you. Take a deep breath, Laura."


"Yes, it's me."

"Where's mom?" Something wasn't right. The room went quiet, and I heard feet shuffling.

"A drunk driver ran into the flower shop. The building collapsed and your mother was..." my father trailed off. "She was in the building. She passed away a few minutes ago." No. No. No. No!

"Mom? Where's mom? Mom!" I exclaimed and tried getting up. I heard my dad sniffling, and he walked out of the room. Why was he saying that? He hated Mom and he wanted me to... It just didn't make sense. She was fine yesterday.

"Mom," I moaned, and I felt so tired. My mom couldn't be dead. This had to be a sick joke and I wanted to wake up from it.

I was so tired. So, so tired.

"Mom," I mumbled and rested my eyes. I'd wake up and everything would be okay. I couldn't live without my mom.

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