Chapter 16: 3:30 PM

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I glared at her and held my stomach in pain. Smiling to myself, I vomited all over Phoenix's feet. Someone kicked the back of my head and I face-planted into the dirt.

"Get the vial!" Phoenix ordered and my hair was pulled on so that I sat up. My mouth was once again pried open, and she poured some liquid down my throat. It tasted metallic and bitter.

"The last time you got this dosage was the morning of your attempted murder spree. We put in your water bottles and food so that you would consume it. It makes you very angry, doesn't it?" She laughed with glee and slapped my face. My right cheek burned, and I collapsed to the ground. It could have been the gasoline or the liquid that was just forced down my throat, but I felt dizzy.

"We'll give you an hour to kill Lance. If you don't succeed, we'll kill you both slowly and painfully. If you succeed...well, we'll keep it a surprise." One of her guards put a watch on my wrist and I looked at the time.

2:30 PM.

Crumbling on the ground, I nodded in response. They left me there and I shifted after a few minutes. I quickly regretted shifting as I felt myself losing control. A rage that I kept locked up tight was overflowing. Every negative thing that Lance did flowed through my mind.

Lance cheated on me years ago when I trusted him with my heart. He tried killing me several times and it took a toll on me. I was fucking crazy, and I wanted him to see what he had done to me before I killed him.

I weakly stood up on my paws and went to find out where Lance was being held. Several of my kind stared at me on my way to the pack house, but they shrugged up their concerns. I saw the pack beta and I pounced on his chest.

He fell down and stared at me until he recognized me.

"Laura, calm down. What are you doing?" I snarled, showing my razor-sharp teeth I wanted to sink into his throat. Patience. I needed answers from him first.

"Where is Lance freaking Knight?" The beta nodded.

"I'll take you to him if you calm down. He wants to see you too."

I was about to claw off his face when his words sunk in. Lance was awake and wanted to see me. Ha! I smiled and dug my claws into the man's shoulder. He screamed for help, and I bit his throat to silence him.

I had the information I needed. If Lance was looking for me, I would let him. I looked at the watch and saw it was already three o'clock. Time was running out and I only had thirty minutes left to finish the job. I needed him here and fast.

I shifted into human form and reached for the phone I saw lying on the desk. I opened the phone and clicked on a familiar name.

"Hello? Everything okay?" My father's voice rang through the phone. I sighed and prepared myself to respond.

"Dad?" I whimpered into the phone, dramatically sniffling as if I was crying.


I continued, "They are going to kill me if you don't bring Lance. Hur-." I crushed the phone in my hands mid-sentence and reached for a water bottle. I smiled, proud of my theatrics, and sat down in a chair. I sipped on the water, hoping it would soothe my headache.

I shook my head at my appearance and went to the shop to grab some clothing.

"Welcome into Jenny's! What can I do for you?" A young teenager greeted me, and I frowned. This young man hadn't done anything to harm me, but he might alert others if he knew what I was up to. I picked up a shirt and sighed loudly. I sensed my urge to go on another dramatic monologue and I rolled with it.

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