Chapter 17: I Killed Him

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*Author's Note: Sorry about this one y'all. Someone's dying. *cue the scary music*

"We need to go back. My father is back there!" I yelled at Lance. He continued driving away, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

"Let me out!" I screamed at him in frustration.

"Neither of us is going to be much help now. We need to go to a hospital." I shook my head at his reasoning, even though I knew he was right. However, if my father died when there was something I could have done to prevent it, I would always blame myself.

I opened the car door and rolled out onto the hard pavement. The wind was knocked out of me, and it took me a moment to gather my senses. I heard Lance's car stop abruptly and he hopped out of the car. I ran as fast as I could and saw the parking lot. My dad was now fighting Phoenix and I was almost to them when I felt hands around my waist, halting my progression.

"Let me go!" I ordered, but the hands around my waist only tightened. I attempted to headbutt the person, but I was unsuccessful. My dad turned around once he heard my voice and Phoenix stabbed him in the chest.

"No!" I screamed and reached for my dad, but someone was dragging me away. I turned my head and saw Lance's face.

"Let me go! I need to save him!" I pleaded with Lance, but he ignored me for a moment.

"You can't," Lance whispered and pushed me in the car.

Though I wanted to see my father one last time, I knew it was unlikely I could save his life. I was so tired and in pain from the day's trauma. I stopped fighting him and closed my eyes. Tears were pouring down my face and I hung my head in shame. I killed him. I killed my dad. If I hadn't gone back and distracted him, he would have been alive.

Lance quietly pulled out some tissues from the glove compartment and put them in the cup holder next to me. I reached for them and wiped my eyes.

"We are going to a nearby hospital so we can get checked out," he said softly. He made a left turn, and I lifted my head to see a hospital. Though I was in agony, I didn't feel like being around people. Both of my parents were dead, and the world moved on without them. I wouldn't move on. I couldn't move on. Lance walked around the car to open my door. If I wasn't in such pain, physically and mentally, I probably would have given him a smile. I remembered stories of my father opening doors for my mother whenever they would go anywhere. My dad would joke, "When we are together, you never have to open another door."

Oh Goddess, I missed them so much. My heart was completely shattered, and I was surprised that it could still beat after witnessing so many awful, heart-wrenching moments. I had known my parents since I was born, and they had been stripped away by her. Phoenix. I helped kill her family and she took away mine. It was a fucking sick game of karma.

"Laura," Lance spoke softly and reached out his hand to me. I shook my head 'no' and continued to stare forward. I should feel pain. Once I stopped feeling intense physical pain, I was afraid the overwhelming emotional pain would destroy what was left of me. Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing. I would see my parents again and I wouldn't feel so damn alone in this world.

Lance sighed quietly and unbuckled my seat before carrying me into the hospital. He checked us in, and we were taken to a room. After multiple tests and x-rays, the doctors had concerned looks on their faces. "We were told when you checked in that you were forced to consume gasoline earlier today. Is that correct?" I nodded timidly and looked at my hands ashamed. Thinking about the incident at the mental institution made me feel nauseous and weak.

"We are going to need to operate and keep you here a while for operation. Is that okay?" the doctor asked, and I hesitated. I didn't have time for a lengthy recovery process. Phoenix and her pack could track us down and if they caught me, I would be utterly defenseless.

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