Chapter 11: Finding Him

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We enjoy playing with Lance, but I guess we'll share our leftovers. Meet us at 1466 W. Greenwood tomorrow at 8am if you want to say goodbye to him, bitch.

Attached to the text was a picture of Lance tied up. There were bruises all over him and a gun pressed against his forehead.

I have to do something. I sat up and took a few steps toward the door. I pulled myself together and grabbed my phone before I ran out the door. I hopped in the car and looked up the address. It was an abandoned cabin in the woods a few hours away. Definitely not creepy.

After two hours of driving, I decided not to risk driving closer to the cabin because they would probably hear my car before I stepped out of the car. I shifted into my wolf form and ran until I saw the cabin. I really had to push my legs to keep moving. They kept aching and they felt stiff at times.

The cabin was very frail-looking, but I could tell it used to be the life of the party. There were old flower designs along the sides of the cabin and windchimes dangling above the door. The remains of a treehouse lay on the ground. Now it was where Lance was being tortured and I scowled at it as if the cabin itself was the one harming my mate. I sniffed the area, hoping I could recognize Lance's scent.

I smelled another wolf, and I looked around. Casey was hiding behind a tree on my left, motioning me to come his way. I ran towards him, and we smiled at each other. He was alive!

"Took you long enough," Casey whispered. "I've been watching and listening here trying to gather information for the past two days."

"Where should we go in?" I asked and he pointed towards a cellar. He shifted into his wolf form, and we quietly walked towards it. I opened the door with my paws and climbed in. It was dark, but I could tell there were a lot of weapons in there. I shifted back into my human form and grabbed an axe. Casey sniffed the area and led me to a door.

"On 3. 1. 2. 3," I whispered, and we barged in. We must have been in the basement of the cabin. I could hear yelling above us.

"We should have gone after her!" a man yelled.

"It's better if she comes to us," Macy screamed. "We know this place better than anyone and we have Lance locked up. At least this way, we know she's isolated from the pack! I can't wait to squeeze the life out of that bitch!"

"I hate this plan! Why did you have to choose this boy? There were plenty of handsome wolves back in Arizona, but no. You wanted to be in Utah with Lance because he dated you for a few weeks!"

"Daddy, he's worth it. You'll see after we get rid of his mate. The silver is weakening him, and he's been an obedient wolf." I looked at Casey and he nodded. It was time to go upstairs and rescue Lance.

Casey bulldozed the door and bit the man's leg. I flung the axe at Macy, but she ducked.

"He's mine!" she screeched and charged at me. We both shifted into our wolves and jumped towards each other. I scratched Macy's head with my claws, and she howled in pain. Laura- 1, Macy-0. Blood was running down Macy's face at this point and it was gross. I charged at her, but she jumped on me. I couldn't get her off and she nearly bit my face off. Casey jumped on her and tossed her through against the wall.

Macy's dad had transformed into a wolf and darted after me. I charged at him and as he went above me, I bit into his stomach. That's what I'm talking about! Laura-2, Team Macy-0.

Someone bit into my back leg and I collapsed on the ground in pain. Macy glared at me and pounced on me with her front legs. The wind was knocked out of me, and I gasped for air.

Laura-2. Team Macy-1. I heard a whimper and Macy's head fell off right in front of me.

Gross. Laura's Team- 3. Macy-1.

Casey grabbed the axe I brought in earlier and chopped the other wolf's head off with ease. It was times like this that I wish I went to the gym more. Casey shifted back into human form and slumped on the ground. We were both injured and exhausted, but we were going to survive. Now we had to make sure Lance was going to survive with us.

I turned towards Lance in the corner, and he was lying on the ground.

"Lance!" I ran up to him and felt for a pulse. There was a faint one, but he was burning up.

"Casey, find some water and a rag," I commanded, and he started searching. I decided to remove his shirt because it was coated with blood. If I saw his wounds, I could have a better idea of what I was dealing with.

I lifted his shirt and gasped. There was a big piece of silver on his back and several wounds. When Casey came back with the supplies, his face went pale.

"We need to yank that out. As soon as I do, blood is going to shoot out. You need to put pressure on the wound," Casey instructed, and I mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen.

Casey pulled out the piece of silver and I put my hands on the wound as quickly as I could. A little blood gushed out and I started feeling nauseous.

"You're doing good. Keep putting pressure on it."

Casey ripped some fabric and wrapped it over the cloth I was holding on the wound. He made a tight knot and started ripping another piece of fabric.

After Lance's back was roughly patched up, we tried sitting him up, so he was leaning on me. Lance groaned and muttered something. I strained my ears to hear what he was saying.

"Laura. Laura. Laura." He kept repeating my name as if that mantra kept him alive these past weeks.

"Lance, I'm here. It's Laura," I whispered, but he didn't open his eyes.

"Get away from me!" he yelled and pushed me to the ground. I was fine, but it still stung. He started rocking back and forth while saying the mantra.

I looked away from Lance and saw Casey mumbling.

"I wish a had a damn phone, but I lost it in those freaking woods!"

I grabbed a phone from Macy's back pocket and saw it was unlocked. Yes!

"Give me that," Casey snapped and made a call.

"We need help. I am at 1466 W. Greenwood with Laura Francisco and Lance Knight. Two werewolves tortured Lance, but we took care of them. We are all in rough shape." Casey looked at Lance and sighed. "We are going to need a counselor on-site. Lance is mentally unstable right now."

My eyes watered and I stared at Lance. He seemed in his own world, trying to cope with whatever they did to him these past weeks. I'd do anything to take away his pain.

"Lance," I whispered. "Lance. Lance. Lance."

Lance paused for a second and kept saying my name over and over again.

The paramedics showed up twenty minutes later and they loaded Lance on a stretcher. Casey took my arm and helped lift me into the ambulance. I held on to Lance's hand for dear life. I didn't know what we were at that point. We had been fighting like enemies lately, but I hoped we could move past that. I wasn't ready to give up on us and I hope he wasn't either.

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