Chapter 10: Mixed Messages

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Lance walked in; his eyes red as if he had been crying. Despite what just occurred between us, I took a step towards him. I dropped the weight and hesitantly walked towards him, remembering his words very clearly from earlier.

"Macy is my chosen mate, and you won't lay a finger on her." The way he had looked at me with disgust hurt me and I hadn't recovered from the last wound he inflicted.

"Lance?" His muscles tensed and his breathing was rapid. Eyes closed; he collapsed on the ground.

"Lance!" I yelled and closed the distance between us. Lance gave a slight smile and his eyes rolled back.

"I'm yours," Lance whispered, and his labored breathing stopped.

"Lance, open your eyes." I had to get him to wake up and breathe. I prepared myself to do CPR and leaned over him. Lance's eyes opened widely, and he grabbed my hand. He groaned and started lifting his shirt.

"Lance!" Macy shouted and helped him up, cutting him off from whatever he was trying to show me. He followed her in a daze.

"Get away from him!" I shouted and Macy slapped me. I fell on the ground from the impact and helplessly watched as he helped him up outside. Something was wrong with Lance, and I was going to help him. First, I had to get rid of Macy.

I ran outside and shifted into my wolf's form. I pounced on Macy, and she screeched.

"Bitch!" She shifted shortly after and tried digging her claws into my side. I dodged her attack and kicked the back of her knee.

I saw her keys on the ground and we both reached for them. Macy grabbed them first, but I kicked her in the face. I was on a roll!


I grabbed my side, stumbling to the ground. I touched my side, and my hands came back with blood.

A man with cold eyes in a black suit walked up to me with Macy, with a gun in his hand. Lance was still on the ground where Macy rested him. The man pulled a black torch of sorts and pressed a button. The air started buzzing with electricity. An electroshock weapon. I shifted into my wolf's form, deciding that running was my only option at that point.

I whimpered through the transition, it being more painful than normal because of my gunshot wound. Yeah. That was bleeding pretty bad. Darting through the woods, I tried to escape Macy and the man with the electroshock weapon.

My blood was leaving a trail behind me, and I heard a car screeching down the road. Dang it! I couldn't hide, so I ran and ran deeper into the woods. Hopefully the trees would make it harder for the vehicle to follow me.

I found a lake and quenched my thirst. I really wish I had my phone right now, but it was back in the gym. I needed to go back to get it so I could get help.

"Who's out there?" It was pretty muffled since he was over by the gym, but my heightened hearing picked up on it. It sounded like Casey, the guy that led training the last time I was here.

I needed to grab his attention without alerting the wrong people. I limped towards where I heard him until we finally met.

"Shift," Casey commanded, and I did, despite the indescribable pain I felt. He let out some curses and used his clothing to bandage my wound.

"Laura, what happened?" he whispered, catching on to the fact that the woods were more dangerous than they usually were.

"Two wolves have Lance and one of them shot at me," I explained, sweat dropping off my brow. I was burning up and I seriously hoped my wound wasn't infected.

"We need back up." Casey pulled out his phone and made several calls. Within minutes, several werewolves would be looking for us if all went well.

"People are on the way," he whispered. "We need shelter until they can come."

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