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"So, you're sticking to the full first name thing, huh?"
I teased, while continuing towards the other end of the campus.

The end of September was pretty cold in Seoul.
Everybody started wearing high-necked sweaters.

"I was heading home anyway, need a ride?" She asked, while dodging my question.

"If you don’t mind. You should go finish your lunch thought."

"I saw that pile of food in your tray." I joked with her.

"Yeah, I would have preferred if we both could have finished our lunches."

"But you seemed upset, abd since you said you were heading home.. And i was going there after lunch, it made sense."

"Thanks, I just needed to get away from that pig."

"So I was right, you two are not together indeed."
She asked looking confused.


"Seemed like you were having a good time when I walked in thought."
How did she know?
This girl was observant.

"That's all I want thought, a good time. Nothing more."

"Yeonjun is starting to think that I will change my rules for him."
She stumbled for a fraction of a second and turned to look at me.

"You have rules?"

"Only three, but they're pretty important to me."
I said, feeling silly talking about this.

"Please do share, I'm intrigued."

"I..- Woah, I didn't know you had a motorcycle. I've never been on one before!"

"Do you like it?"

"So you're a bike girl?!"
I asked in awe.

"What do you mean by 'bike girl'?"
She laughed and then she reached down and put both her hands on each side of my waist making me sit on the bike.
This unexpected contact caught me off guard.
There was an exciting charge between us.
My mind didn't respond to her like this but my body wasn't listening.
When she leaned in towards my ear, my breath got stuck in my troath.

"Sit up straight and don't fall off"




"You're avoiding a serious topic here though." What does she mean?

"I need to know these rules of yours."
Is she actually serious right now? Help-
She really wants to know them.. I guess.. "Okay, fine."

"I don't plan on ever actually be with someone permanently."

"My parents taught me that it only leads to heartbreak."

"I like having fun, and I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to come back from something like a brocken heart."

"So my rules are" I don't sleep with anyone I know my friends have a crush on.. "

"I don't sleep with anyone's partner, and I never sleep with someone more than three times."
After a couple of truly uncomfortable seconds, she uttered.

"I think you're wrong, you know."

"I don't think it's wrong, I think it protects everyone involved." I said.
"No one thinks that I'm going to give them more than I have to give. I also don't want to make any enemies by sleeping with someone's partner." I replied softly.

"Not about the rule, about not being strong enough, I can tell you that you are."
I sat there with really nothing to say back to that.
She didn't know me.
She didn't know what my parents did to me, to eachother.
People break each others hearts.
It's hart to believe that I just met her.
I feek like we've already said so much to one-another, maybe a little too much.

"Well, all I do know is that I don't require daily phone calls, mushy love notes, boquets lf roses and cuddles every night."

"A low naintenance gilr, I can dig that."

"Now hold on to me tight, we are about to take off." she said.

"Got it."

I felt naked around this girl..
She sees too much or thinks too highly of me, I couldn't figure out wich one.

I just wanted to get to my apartment, take a shower and a nap before my shift tonight.


"Thanks for the ride."
When I got to my door, Yunjin walked past me.

"I appreciated not having to walk all the way here."

"Not a problem, I think we basically have the same schelude on these days. Next time, let's stay for lunch thought."
She smiled at me and started to walk up towards her apartment.

"Hey, do you want to come in here for lunch? I'll cook." I said.
"Well.. I'm not a michelin chef, but I can make us some lunch. It's the leats thing I can do for making you dump yours, and I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure, I would love to join you." She said.
That afternoon, I cooked tteobokki and ramen noodles for Yunjin.
After lunch, she helped me clean the dishes, and I apologized for the attempted kiss I had wanted to give her the previous day.
She reassured me that it wasn't necessary, and that she was intrigued by my personality, wich made me chuckle.

We continued to enjoy eachother's company, and I learned a lot about her and her persona.
Our friendship grew stronger from that day onwards.
Perhaps she would even become one of my closest friends.



856 words ♥️.

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