Back to Work

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Casey's POV
When Gabby returned to work she wasn't 100% but she told us all she missed us and she couldn't miss the ceremony. I could tell that she wasn't 100%. The way that she limped around and when she ate she would hold on to her side and during calls she would have to stop working on her patient to throw up.
-Hey Gabby how have you been feeling.
- Great, soon I'll be good as new.
- I have a question to ask you
-What the question, Casey.
- I was wondering if you would accompany me at the ceremony.
-Yes I would love to but you don't mind that Antonio will be there.
- It's not a date Gabs it is a Ceremony.
- Real funny Lieutenant Real funny.
Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 6 car Accident Medfore road
On the scene
Squad- We're going to have to move these cars to get to the middle car but first try to see how many injured we have
Truck- I count 15 people 6 injured and the rest trapped.
Ambo.- We'll call back up ambos.
Back at the Firehouse
Gabby's POV
I had been acing in my chest but of course I got shot twice one in the side and chest. It hurt when I moved but I had to tonight it out. As I went in the building Casey called my name. Hey, you don't look good are you Ok. I don't look or feel good but the ceremony is tonight. Yeah ok but promise me after the ceremony you will go back to the doctor. The only thing there going to tell me is stay home until full recovery and take medication. Gabby I really like you but I can't stand to see you in pain Matt said while holding on to my shoulders. I looked at his eyes and asked him if he had any pain meds for me. He told me to come with him to his room. When we got to his room he handed me his pain meds.
- When Gabby tried to give me a hug she fell unconscious in my hands. I layed her on my cot and called Shay whiek I did CPR on Gabby when Shay arrive she ran to the ambo and got the shock machine. Shay told me to call the hospital to let them know we would be coming in. When Shay got a pulse on Gabby Severide had already had a gurney and ready to go.
At the hospital
In Gabby's room
Casey's POV
I grabbed her hand and held on to it. I kissed her on the lips. When she woke up she looked at me she smiled and said she loved me to. I bent down to kiss her as we kissed each other in two hours she would be able to leave but for now we were going to be right beside each other.

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