The Consequences of Forgotten Keys

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Branch was about to ask Floyd what he was making for dinner until he approached the door.

"What are you doing?"

Floyd stopped and turned to look at Branch. Floyd had shirts in his arms and a suitcase on the bed. Floyd realized what it looked like, so he quickly placed the clothes on bed.

"Oh- So the band director is sick, the school asked me to fill in for him. The band is going to nationals in a few cities over, it's just for two days, I leave early tomorrow."

Branch messed with the sleeve of his shirt and sighed. "But you're the choir director. I don't see why they can't ask someone else."

Floyd nodded and continued to pack his clothes. "Branch, the band needs a director, I can cancel choir class, but the math teacher can't cancel their class. I have the ability to help them therefore I have the responsibility to help."

Branch didn't like that answer all that much. "So you won't be here until Thursday night?" He asked with furrowed brows and a frown.

Floyd sighed and stopped packing again. He turned and made his way to Branch, when he was less than a foot away from him, he rested his hand atop Branch's shoulders. Branch was now a little taller than Floyd, to the point of Branch having to look down slightly.

"You've gotten so tall recently," Floyd mumbled with a smile before continuing "I'll be back Branch. I won't be gone forever. I'm not sure I'll be able to call but I'll text you every moment I get, all right?"

Branch nodded and shrugged out of Floyd's grasp with a smirk.

"I'm hungry." Branch proclaimed and Floyd groaned. With a sigh, Floyd handed Branch his wallet.

"Just get something delivered, I should have a 100-dollar Grub Hub gift card in there. I really don't feel like cooking." Branch smiled and nodded; he was about to leave but Floyd stopped him before he could fully step away. "Could you close my door? I want to get in pajamas." Branch nodded without looking and carelessly closed the door. Branch didn't realize he wasn't controlling his strength until after he stood shell shocked with the door handle in his hand, despite him being at least a foot away from the door.

Floyd rushed into the hallway with a concerned expression. Branch just stared at the handle with a stunned face.



Branch sat in the same study room that Poppy and him used the first time they studied. It had been a few weeks since they decided over text that he would tutor Poppy Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays during lunch and for 40 minutes after school on Tuesday and Thursday. (It would have been longer but that's when the school closed for students.) And after much deliberation they agreed on a strong rate of 30 dollars a session. Branch started to feel bad until Poppy told him it came from her dad who had savings for her high school years. He was flabbergasted to discover that before she was doing bad in school, she was planning to use the money for prom dresses, school supplies, and school clothes shopping. Branch didn't say this to her face but when she told him that, he never felt poorer.

Branch was shocked to discover that Poppy was fitting in tutoring, choir practices and shows, and cheer practices, tournaments, and football games. It made him feel bad to only take her at face value, she was a sweet girl who cared for others. But he did admit that she could be a little much sometimes.

Branch felt a buzz in the back of his head so he turned around to stare at the door. No more than a few seconds later did it open to reveal Poppy. She was wearing her Cheer outfit for the pep rally that happened earlier that day.

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