It Only Has to Make Sense to You

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It was the onset of December, and Branch had to stop being Sentinel. The biting cold had proven too much for his current suit, therefore he had to take a hiatus until he could fashion a replacement. The harsh reality struck him: his body couldn't regulate his temperature like before. A new suit wouldn't hurt either, he could make it look more professional, he mused.

During a day spent at Floyd's place, John Dory observed Branch's shivering form as the truck's heater stopped working on their drive home. Fingers tinged with an unsettling shade of blue marked the urgency of the situation. In a spontaneous act of generosity, John whisked Branch into a high-end clothing store, determined to find him a jacket. And he did, it was stylish, and very warm. Branch did feel bad when he saw the price. But John didn't care if Branch didn't want him to spend that much money.

Exiting the store, John, with a concerned furrow on his brow, remarked, "You're probably anemic." Branch was more than grateful, that's what John chalked it up to be.

Standing before the familiar dumpster, it was then that he realized why the thin linens and fabrics were all in there at the end of summer.

There was no insulating fabric he could use to make a new suit.

Undeterred, Branch reluctantly ventured into the fabric store, waving to the old lady at the counter. His eyes started scanning for a solution. A soft wool fabric caught his attention, promising warmth if sewn into the lining of a new suit. However, excitement waned as he glimpsed the price tag – $30 per yard. His heart sunk. He had to get it, but it would take all his money he'd gotten from helping Poppy.


After sneaking into his old room and bringing his grandmother's sewing machine to his new place, he got to work. Making sure to finish before John got home. He didn't want John catching him making a costume that looked suspiciously like Sentinel's.

He got to finish most of it before he heard the front door open.

"Branch! You Home?!"

Branch stood up quickly and started to hide his new suit in the wardrobe. He stepped out of the room and peaked out of the hallway.

John smiled at him from the kitchen. He had two pizza boxes in hand and placed them on the new table.

"Great! You're here. I wanted to ask you something."

Branch looked at John nervously.

"What is it?"

John spoke as he was making their plates. "Well, I know we were just going to do Christmas dinner with Floyd, but I was thinking of inviting Bruce, his wife, and the kids, maybe even Clay too?"

Branch crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. "Why would you want to do that? I haven't talked to Clay or Bruce since we last saw them."

Despite Branch's pessimistic view, John stayed optimistic. "It's Christmas, Branch. Maybe it would help mend things. Besides, they're still your brothers. Even if you can't see it, they really do love you."

Branch scoffed. He may have laid of John for everything, but it's like after his grandmother's death, it changed nothing with Clay and Bruce. "Yeah, my brothers who left without a second thought. Why would I want to spend Christmas with them? They haven't called me. Or texted."

John set a plate of pizza in front of Branch and started to scold him. "Neither have you. Right?"

Branch's eyes went to his pizza, having no rebuttal to combat John's words.

"I'm just saying, this could be a chance to start over. Or at least spend more time with them."

Branch scoffed again and spoke again. "You think inviting them over is going to magically fix everything? It's just going to be awkward."

Everything Has Changed (Trolls Spider-Man AU)Where stories live. Discover now