A Bloody Good Time

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As planned, Poppy came over New Years Eve, everyone was still there, the kids were not allowed to stay up late, not that they were able to anyway. The whole time Branch joked with the oldest boy how he looked dead on his feet. Everyone awake was either in the living room or kitchen, talking against the television showing the Ball Drop countdown. No one wanted to go outside, if they did, it would immediately be chaos.

"Branch?" Branch looked up from his drink. John had allowed him to have champagne, but only one glass. Poppy was allowed the same thing, but she didn't take any. She had one sip and decided it wasn't sweet enough. Branch didn't mind it, but he couldn't get drunk, considering his metabolism.

"Yeah?" Branch asked Clay, who was the one to get his attention. They were the only two in the kitchen at the time.

"Do you really think you love her?"

Branch sighed and set his champagne down. "I don't know. It's only been a month but..."

"It only makes sense to you?" Clay asked with a smug grin.

Branch lightly shoved his shoulder and chuckled. "I dunno, maybe I'll just wait and see. What about that resolution huh? Where are you planning to do it?"

Clay hid his Blush with his drink and avoided eye contact with Branch. "Bruce and I were talking about planning it for sometime in spring. He has a guest house near his own. We could all take a vacation there for your spring break. I'd want Poppy there too of course, it's her sister."

Branch smiled at the thought of a vacation with Poppy. They'd walk along the shore of Long Island. He'd dance with her with only the trees to watch them waltz. He didn't like dancing in front of people. But for her, he just might dance everywhere.

"We're out of Ice!" Viva shouted with a red flush across her face. Floyd had been making cocktails since six, and Viva had been expressing her appreciation for them by trying every concoction.

Clay laughed at her buzzed state. "Maybe that's enough drinks for tonight."

Viva shook her head. "I want iced tea, Clay. I wasn't going to drink anymore."

Branch stood straight from his leaning position

"I can get it."

John stood up from the couch and stretched. "No, it's too crazy out there right now. I'll go."

Branch shook his head. "No, you've got alcohol in your system. I don't need you causing any fights, old man. Besides it's just across the street, I'll survive."

John looked at him for a moment, debating whether or not he should allow it to happen.

"C'mon John, he'll be fine." Clay defended.

John closed his eyes and sighed, taking out his wallet and pulling out a ten. "Fine, but keep your phone on you at all times, you hear?!"

Branch saluted and took the money. "Yes sir." He laughed and grabbed his keys from the bowl.

He walked out the door and locked it behind him. He made his way down to the lobby. The moment he stepped out of the lobby door, he felt a shiver down his spine and a shock of electricity at his neck. He looked around and just saw pedestrians walking with somewhere to be. He closed his eyes and the blue noise started fading into his vision.

Right in front of him.

Branch opened his eyes and rubbed them, mocking sleepyness with a added yawn.

He took out his phone and carelessly walked into the lobby, as if he just forgot something.

He pressed call and tapped his foot while he waited.

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