The Ballad of A New York Fugitive

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Branch opened the door for Poppy, and she walked in. It was Branch's first time at Poppy's room officially. Branch dropped his backpack in the same place that Poppy dropped hers. He'd taken his shoes off at the front door, so he'd gotten to feel the softness of Poppy's rug through his socks. He looked over near her record player and saw the matching lamp. He stepped over to it and changed its color to purple, the color they would change it to when they were with each other.

"So I've been thinking, you know, about the singing competition, I was hoping that we could do it toget-"

Branch huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, not going to happen Popstar."

Poppy groaned and grabbed his arm, pulling it downward. "What?!" You're so unfair."

Branch shook his head. "I'll still help you though, write some lyrics and stuff. What do you want it to be about?"

Poppy shrugged. "I was thinking of writing something about my mom."

Branch paused and looked to Poppy and glanced at her with soft eyes. "Your mom?"

Poppy smiled and nodded, reaching for his hand. He gifted his hand to her and rubbed her knuckles, knowing her care and comfort was shown with holding hands and hugging.

"She was a small part of my life, but she showed me what true unconditional love was."

Branch squeezed her hand and leaned closer toward her. They were still standing next to the dresser, except now, Poppy was leaning against it.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, after I was born, she got cancer. But she denied treatment, she knew that taking the treatment would make her ill and weak. She was given five years, if she didn't take the treatment, which, frankly, was an incredible amount of time."

Branch furrowed his brows. "And she didn't consider treatment at all?"

Poppy shook her head. "No, she'd gotten cancer before, it was reoccurring. But she decided that she would just give me the best years. She saw what it did to my sister, the treatments. She got it a few years before I was born, and it affected my sister. A lot, they thought she wouldn't make it. That's why they got the doll, the one Clay got her for Christmas." Branch's eyes softened at the story, "I didn't get anything of hers, only her words. Even though me being young, I remembered every proverb she told me, and every song she sang to me. Oh, her voice, Branch, it was the most beautiful thing. Dad always said I got her voice, that I sound just like her."

Poppy removed her body from the dresser and leaned her comfort on Branch, and he embraced her, carefully leading her to the bed. When they sat, the leaned onto the King sized bed and rested on their side, facing each other. "I don't hear it, but the voice, the one that narrates everything, it's her voice. The same pitch, the same honey as softness. Everything that happens, one of her proverbs comes to mind. And-"

She looked in Branch's eyes, not with tears, but with hope, adoration, and disbelief. "And Branch, when I look at you, the voice goes from her's to yours."

Branch's heart fluttered, because he didn't get it. He didn't understand. But then again, it didn't have to make sense to him, did it?

Branch smiled and leaned close to Poppy's face. "Can I kiss you?" he asked bashfully. Poppy nodded and she leaned in.

He kissed her deeply, and she returned his affection. She intertwined her fingers with his. It was the first kiss that Branch had instigated and perused. All Branch heard was noise in his ears as his brain turned to mush. He's felt this feeling before, but this time, there was no blue filter in his vision.

They pulled apart slowly and Poppy looked up at his eyes, as if he lifted the sky for her. Carrying the weight of all 88 constellations on his shoulders.

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