Stepping Stones and Spider Swings

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Sunday morning was when Branch stepped his new home. It was huge. Branch was shocked to see that it had a foyer. There were four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The day before his brothers he got to pick the furniture he wanted in his bedroom. It wouldn't come until later, so JD just gave him a sleeping bag and a pillow until his bed came.

Branch later found out that John was originally saving for a place like this, but he was going to use it when he found someone to settle down with. Though he had no furniture, John Dory took him clothes shopping the next day. Despite not being fond of John Dory, he still felt bad when he spent almost 600 dollars on a new wardrobe for him. His room was bigger than the one at his grandmother's, well now Floyd's. It had nice hardwood floors and pearl white walls. There was a modern fan hanging from the center of the roof. Though Floyd's place didn't feel like home anymore, this one wasn't any better.

The next day at school, he wore his new clothes. The first place he was told to go was the front office. He sat waiting in the chairs in front of the principal's office, he played with his fingers as he sat, not wanting to take out his phone and look irresponsible. In front of him was John Dory. He was dressed in his police uniform, as after this he needed to go to work. But now, he looked at the pictures on the wall of the previous classes. They all wore uniforms and looked very pompous.

Like before, Branch was still grateful for not needing to wear uniforms. But he heard from Poppy that the dress code is still very strict, especially when it came to the girls.

The door to his left opened and the principal stood there with a gentle smile.

"Why don't you guys step in?" John Dory nodded, and Branch stood up, entering the office first, then John Dory followed.

All of them sat down, the principal behind the desk and John and Branch sitting in two chairs in front of the desk.

"So, I'm under the understanding that you're his new guardian now?"

JD nodded and spoke. "Yes I'm his brother."

The principal smiled and pulled out some paperwork. He turned it around and moved it in front of John, handing him a pen after. "I'll need you to fill these out, just standard forms that his previous guardian filled out at the start of the year." John nodded and got to work, then the principal turned to Branch.

"Now, I know you've missed two weeks, you've missed some tests, homework, and lots of lessons. But considering your... circumstances, we've excused those two weeks completely. And factoring in your perfect record of grades and attendance, we've gotten your teachers to pardon any assignments or tests that you have missed. Of course, this also means that you are expected to catch up quickly. I'm sure this wont be a problem for you, seeing as you are first in your year."

John Dory looked up with an astonished smile. "B! You never told me you were first in your year."

Branch looked away and mumbled in response. "You never asked."

John Dory ignored his sass and playfully shook his shoulder after finishing the paperwork.

"Well just for that, we're eating steak dinner tonight, my treat!"

The principal straightened out the papers and stood up.

"Well I've already told your first period teacher where you were, you don't need a late pass. Thank you for taking care of this so quickly Mr. Bosche."

John shook hands with the man in front of him and nodded. "It was my pleasure."


Branch saw Poppy multiple times during the day, each time he saw her strawberry hair, he went in the opposite direction. It hurt him, in some kind of way, it hurt him a lot to even see her. He wanted nothing more than to just be in a study room with her, listening to her ramble about her day and watching her as she finished her homework, helping when she got stuck. Branch has had friends before, he was extremely friendly when he was younger. But, the older he got, the more closed off he became. He wasn't completely against talking to others or working with his peers, he just never felt the need to seek out friends. But now, Branch wanted nothing more than to be with his friend.

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