The Brightest Person Alive

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The inside of Sweet Gardens High School was much fancier than Branch's elementary school. The hallway had darkwood flooring and freshly grey painted walls, said walls were filled with awards or modern art. It felt very pompous, almost too fancy for Branch's apartment living, food stamp using self. He felt out of place in the school, luckily his first year just happened to be the year that they discarded the use of uniforms. He was glad he wouldn't have to worry about a uniform, especially since Branch recently had an extreme growth spurt. He didn't want to think about how much it would cost to get a whole new set of clothes. All he needed was his brothers' hand me downs and he would be fine.

Branch was walking to his class when he felt a hand hit his shoulder, he took out his earbud that was hidden behind his hair. He had to keep his hair long now, ever since his the tour at EcoGenic, his hearing was enhanced by thousands, all his senses had. But unfortunately for Branch, Sweet Garden's had a strict 'no headphone policy'. Branch had gotten a lot of new abilities since the EcoGenica tour, but he's decided to ignore them. Which is hard to do when he's stressed because that's when he can't control them. Especially when things start sticking to his fingers. He's probably better off ignoring all of it until it becomes a real problem.

Branch looked at who wanted his attention. When he turned around, he saw maybe the brightest person in existence. She had strawberry blond hair. Her pale skin was adorned with millions of freckles and her eyes were a unique color of fuchsia.

"Hi! You're Branch Bosche right?" The girl asked with an extreme amount of animation. Branch just nodded and she continued.

"Great! So I heard you're first in our year and I just think that soo cool but another part of me is just really curious if you could help me out with a few of my classes because that would be-"

Branch sighed and started to turn back around. "I already told the teachers, I don't tutor."

"What if I paid you!?" The girl exclaimed.

After that Branch did the most shallow thing he's ever done.

He paused then sighed. "What classes do you need help with," He asked as he turned around. He saw the girls face and it was lit up like a thousand Christmas trees.

She squealed and stepped closer. "Thank you! Oh my goodness, I'm Poppy Springwater, if you didn't know-"

"I didn't," Branch said but it went ignored.

"I'm really having a hard time with Bio and Math and I need too keep my grades up for cheer, and UGH I'm so happy you're helping me. Oh! We're going to have to exchange numbers!" Before Branch could do anything Poppy quickly wrote her number on a ripped piece of paper and shoved it in his hand.

"This is going to be great! What lunch do you have?" Branch could have sworn that with every word she spoke the next one would come out a second faster.


"Great-" Branch thought the bell would cut her off but she just kept going. "Meet me at the main entrance of the cafeteria, we can use one of the study rooms in the library!" Branch was about to protest but it was in vain, as Poppy just skipped away. He didn't even know if he still had the energy for classes, let alone another session of that.


Despite his wants, he arrived at the main entrance of the cafeteria. He was hoping and praying she wouldn't arrive, but it was futile. No more than two minutes into waiting for her she happily waked into his line of view.

"Hey Branch!" She smiled and went to his side. Before he knew it, he was walking in step with her. He didn't understand how her energy was so hypnotizing but it was. "Sorry if I came off too strong earlier, I was hyping myself up all morning to ask you to tutor me and I was just a little excited. But I promise I mellow out throughout the day.

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