The Consequences of Staying Out Past Curfew

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It was a Friday afternoon and five days before his brothers would stay at John's house for Christmas. Branch soared through the cityscape, his nimble form swinging gracefully between skyscrapers like a shadowy silhouette against the backdrop of city lights. The rhythmic thwip of his webbing echoed through the urban canyons as he effortlessly made his way past the streets below. The cool winter air rushed against his mask, and the distant sounds of the city became a symphony guiding his acrobatic dance among the concrete giants.

As he swung from one vantage point to another, his keen eyes scanned the city streets for any signs of trouble. Neon signs flickered, casting an ethereal glow on the pavement below. Branch's heightened senses were attuned to the subtlest anomalies, ready to respond to the notes in the urban melody – the cry for help or the telltale signs of criminal activity. Branch sat on the roof above the alley, his eyes narrowing as he observed the scene.

A man had taken a girl in his arms, but the girl wasn't going easy.

"LET GO!" She screeched and struggled against his grasp. Branch looked to see if the Criminal had a weapon until he saw the girls hair.

Strawberry blond.

Without a moments thought, Branch swiftly descended to the ground and landed right behind the man. He shot at the man's neck and yanked him to the ground. The criminal landed flat on his back and Branch shot a web at his mouth, deciding he didn't want to hear him talk.

Branch webbed his arms up and patted them.

"Next time, keep your hands to yourself." Branch lifted himself from the crouch and turned to the girl, just to see exactly who he thought she was.

"Uh- A-are you okay miss?" Branch stammered out.

Poppy's shock morphed into a soft smile. "I am now, thanks to you."

Branch nodded quickly and smiled softly, despite Poppy not being able to see it. He hasn't been this close to her in forever. He hasn't spoken to her in forever. She was in bellbottom yoga pants and a baggy shirt. Branch assumed that she must have been walking home from cheer practice, though, he would have assumed that it being the last day of the semester, they wouldn't have practice. Branch knelt down and tossed the man over his shoulder.

"Of course, I'm glad you're all right now." He pushed the man against the wall and webbed him up to keep him there.

"I'm sorry, maybe I sound totally crazy, but..." Branch turned around and she raised her eyebrow. "Do I know you?"

Branch froze and stopped moving completely.

"What- what do you mean m-miss?"

Poppy's eyes sparkled with recognition. "BRANCH!" She ran to him and embraced him with a hug.

Branch panicked and grabbed her shoulders in an attempt to push her away. "What are you talking about?!"

Poppy smiled up at him and rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up Branch, I know it's you. I'd recognize your voice anywhere."

Branch paced to the end of the alley and looked back and forth. After seeing that the coast was clear he returned to Poppy.

"You need to be quiet; anyone could hear you!"

"Ha! So, you admit it!"

Branch groaned and rubbed his masked face with his hand. "Yes, it's me but you can't tell anyone."

Poppy chuckled and grabbed Branch's hand. "Well of course dummy! What's the point of you wearing a mask if you just let me go off and tell everyone who you are?"

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