Washing Dishes

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Branch was tinkering with his web shooters (that's what Poppy called them, and he decided he liked the name), trying to make them look sleeker. His phone was propped up against his metal water bottle. While he worked a tiny little Poppy talked his ear off (in a good way).

"So I have a older sister, I never really got to elaborate on that, she's really nice but busy. I've only seen her a few times during December. She's going to her boyfriend's family dinner for Christmas."

Branch hummed and mumbled, keeping his attention on the screw he was putting in. "Sounds like someone I know.."

Poppy smiled, "I know! It's crazy, we're like twins except she's like- Twelve years older than me or something like that."

Branch huffed out a laugh. "That's one heck of a gap for twins."

Poppy nodded and stared at Branch as he worked, watching carefully as Branch's hands delicately played with the different plastic and metal mechanisms.

Branch noticed his friend's quietness and looked up from his work, seeing Poppy just staring at him.

Branch gave her a funny look and tried to return to his work, but after a few moments, he still felt her eyes on him. He looked back up at his phone and huffed out a laugh. "What?"

Poppy shook her head and took her attention away from him, reaching for her makeup caddy from another spot on her vanity.

"Nothing~" Branch furrowed his brows and smiled.

"What? No, you have to tell me!"

"You just get this funny face when you work." She said as she started her make up, putting primer first.

"Nuh uh!"

Poppy scoffed and laughed. "Branch I literally saw you making it, I knew I should have screenshotted it!"

Branch shook his head with a smug smile. "No pictures because it didn't happen."

"I'll get you Branch, I swear." There was a lull, but a nice lull. A delicate one that was gentle and kind.


"Yes Poppy?"

"You said you had brothers?" Branch nodded but kept on working. "What are they like? How many do you have?"

Branch sighed and started to work on the other web shooter.

"Well, there's Floyd, I lived with him and Grandma for the longest. He likes music, he teaches choir at Mount Rageous and everything. There's Clay, he's an accountant or something. He must either be good with investing or have an insane salary cause he's living in luxury. The one I live with now, His name is John, he's the oldest. Very much like a dad, I guess. Then there's Bruce, he's an actual dad. His wife is nice. They have like five kids, and one on the way I think."

"You think?" Poppy stopped applying her makeup and asked, "What do you mean by, 'I think'?"

Branch paused his work and shrugged, looking up at Poppy. "Like, a few weeks ago maybe, Brandy, my sister-in-law, came over for something in the city. It was just us for a bit and I heard three heart beats, mine and Brandy's were accounted for, so I just guessed she was pregnant."

"You can hear heartbeats!?" Poppy asked with excitement. "So, you heard the baby's heartbeat?!"

Poppy cooed at the thought which gave Branch a small smile. "Yeah, I only noticed it after a few hours of being around her."

"Branch! This is great! You're going to be an uncle!" Branch's face grew a smirk.

"Poppy, I'm already an uncle. I told you, five other kids." Poppy sighed.

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