Never Wield Such Power, You Forget to Be Polite

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Branch had slowly gotten back to being Sentinel. He'd promised Poppy that he would let her know about every injury, and that he would take it slow. He was very restricted in what he could do. Currently he was out, swinging through the city, looking for trouble.

He swung through the city, the rhythmic whoosh of the wind passing his ears. He felt the cool night air against his face as he scanned the city below for any signs of trouble. His suit, a blend of different shades of blue, clung to his frame as he moved through the urban landscape. Though he was restricted in his actions, he couldn't ignore the call to protect the city he loved.

Branch suddenly passed above a police car. His senses told him to slow down so as he did, he heard the dispatcher speak over the radio. "Possible robbery in progress at Crimp's Electronics on 5th Avenue. Units in route."

Without hesitation, Branch changed his direction, adjusting his course towards the electronics store. As he swung through the city, the glow of the neon lights below painted streaks of color across his masked face. He knew he had to be cautious, though his bullet wound was healed, he couldn't afford to push himself too hard.

When he arrived, he perched on a nearby rooftop, surveying the scene below. The electronic store's windows were shattered, and the sound of alarms echoed in the night. Branch's enhanced senses picked up the faint but rapid heartbeat of the customers. He jumped off the roof into a clearing on the street and looked through the windows. There were maybe- three costumers and one store clerk. His eyes squinted and narrowed in on pink hair and a familiar face.


He crouched low and moved silently toward the broken storefront, using the cover of the shadows to conceal his approach. As he peered inside, he saw Floyd behind a menacing figure wielding a gun. The robber was agitated, demanding access to the store's cash register.

Branch's heart quickened; he couldn't stand by and let Floyd get hurt. Despite his promise to Poppy, he knew he had to intervene. He shot a web toward the ceiling, silently lowering himself into the store. His landing was forced on his bad leg, he winced as the impact reverberated through his still-healing body.

The robber turned, startled by the sudden entrance. "Who the hell are you?" he spat, knife glinting in the dim light.

Branch raised his hands, his voice Comical but calm. "Just a concerned citizen. Let's not make this any messier than it already is."

The robber, desperate and agitated, lunged at Branch with the gun. Despite his enhanced reflexes, Branch wasn't as quick as usual. The gun shot through the air twice, one bullet hitting a light and the other grazing his face. Branch winced, feeling a sharp pain shot through his cheek.

"Everyone, get down!" he shouted, recognizing the danger. The two other customers and the clerk dropped to the floor as Branch shot a web, snaring the robber's arm and disarming him. The gun clattered to the ground.

The store fell into a tense silence. Floyd, still on the floor, looked up at the masked figure with a mix of fear and gratitude. Branch couldn't reveal his identity; not now, not like this.

The police sirens grew louder, signaling the arrival of the units responding to the robbery. Branch shot a web to the ceiling, hoisting the disarmed robber up and reaching for his mask. "The police will take care of... you..." Branch's words trailed off as he recognized the man. He's seen him before, only, in a light dimmer than now, and in his grandmother's living room.

Branch's breath caught in his throat as he stared into the eyes of the disarmed robber. Recognition flickered in the dim light of the store, and a surge of rage coursed through Branch's veins. It was the man who had taken his grandmother from him, the man who had shattered his peace and normalcy into hundreds of pieces.

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