A Day in the Life of a Dysfunctional Family

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"I just don't understand why he has to go somewhere else Floyd! Do you not want to be around him?!" Branch's oldest brother, John Dory, shouted.

Floyd grabbed at his hair in frustration and groaned. "You don't understand, I just started working! I only paid one bill and that was the internet bill. Now that Grandma's gone I have to pay all of them. I would love to have Branch with me. Actually I would prefer him to be with me over all of you- but.. But I can't do that while giving him the life he deserves."

Clay, Branch's third older brother, sighed and nodded in agreement with Floyd. "Honestly the best thing for him right now would be to try and keep his life as usual as possible. Obviously, that means he has to stay with the one who's closest to his school."

Bruce, Branch's second oldest brother, scoffed at Clay's words. "Now we're just back at square one, we all live too far from Mount Rageous for it to be a reasonable commute."

Floyd groaned again. "He doesn't go to Mount Rageous, he goes to Sweet Gardens. And you would know that if you ever bothered to call him!" Usually Floyd was the mediator, but he couldn't handle his brothers. Not through the stress of the week's events.

Branch was in his room, trying to listen to the city life outside his window. Unfortunately for him, his enhanced hearing hadn't a care in the world for what Branch was trying to do. The last few days had been a blur to him. He didn't remember much after the gunshot. He recalled getting a hug from Floyd in the hospital, seeing his other brothers arrive at the hospital, helping carry his grandma's casket. It was all just going through the motions on autopilot.

Now he sat alone in his room while his brothers argued about who he'd live with from now on.

"Okay we get it Floyd, we were bad brothers. We all are being bad brother's right now, arguing like this while Branch is still in the house! But I can't fix the past." John sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. "I work at SGPD. I've saved more than enough to buy a nice place around there. I'll find a storage where I can put the RV. I'll take him in."

Floyd chewed his lip. "John-"

"He'll stay with you for about a week until I can close on a place. Once it's done he'll stay with me."

"I get you want to be the oldest and take him in John, but it's not that easy. You have to be gentle with this. He's been through a lot already and if you rush him-"

"Floyd what are you saying?! One moment you can't wait to get him out of the apartment and now you're telling me to slow down?!"

Floyd sighed with frustration. "JD that is not what I said and you know it."

John Dory and Bruce were about to add their two senses before branch opened his bedroom door roughly and stomped into the living room, passing his brothers and ignoring the call of his name from Floyd. When he got to the door, he opened it with vigor and slammed it without a care. Luckily, he let go of the handle before he could pull it out but the wall rattled and the door frame cracked.

Branch left the apartment building and started to walk. He didn't have a specific destination, all he wanted to do was get out of that place. It wasn't his home anymore. After the first three days of the police's investigation, they were allowed to go in. They were given a number to call in the case that they couldn't clean up the mess themselves. At first his older brothers were positive they could do it on their own. But once they actually entered the building, it was decided that they'd call the number.

They had stayed at Bruce's place until the day of the funeral. It was about an hour away. He owned a nice big house and a restaurant along the coast. There, Branch met his nephews. And sister-in-law. He'd never met her but he knew she existed. Bruce had a adult only wedding, so Floyd and Branch weren't able to go. Not even to the reception.

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