8. you again

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"I have a friend, his name is Yunho, and he is the owner of a flower shop. He recently set up his new business and is looking for someone to hire as his florist assistant. If you're interested, I can relay him a message."

Working at a flower shop, that didn't sound too bad. There will probably be lots of hands-on work to do, exactly what he was good at.

"And the pay.."

"He's a very generous boss, I promise. As long as you show up and work hard, he will reward you." Yeosang said reassuringly.

"Okay, I'm in. But, I want to speak to him myself."

"Sure, let's go now."

They took a bus to the flower shop. It was slightly far from Rina's elementary school, but he'd find a way around it.

Yeosang opened the door, and a tall guy, taller than him and Yeosang, appeared before him. "Hyung, I brought you your new assistant. Yunho, this is San. San, this is Yunho, aka the nicest person you will ever meet."

Yunho giggled, smacking yeosang's arm before turning to San: "Hi it's nice to meet you. One question, are you good with your hands?"

San's heart warmed up, he loved getting that question. "I used to be a farmer. I'm from Namhae."

"A FARMER?" Both Yunho and Yeosang repeated at the same time. His breath caught in his throat.

"That's the coolest thing I've ever heard. You know, farmer's are actually the most skilled people because they learn to do things that you can't learn in the city? They are the ones who grow food for us, so I really admire them," Yunho said with a smile.

San heaved a sigh of relief. He'd never been praised for being a farmer. He felt a sense of pride in himself.

"Why not you two talk a bit more, interview him or something, hyung. I'm going to buy boba tea from across the street. San, do you like boba?" Yeosang finally spoke, taking his wallet from his coat pocket.

"Boba? What's boba?"

The two men grew quiet and looked at each other in disappointment. Yunho patted him in the shoulder. "Guess there are some things farmers don't learn about."

Yeosang nodded, waving goodbye to San before leaving the shop.

While he was gone, Yunho interviewed San. They had a lovely conversation, nothing like the ones he's had with those aquaintences of his. Without a second thought, Yunho hired San.

He was filling in some papers when Yeosang pranced back into the shop. He placed his own cup of boba tea on the counter, held one out for Yunho and one for San.

They reached for the cups, poked the straw in and took a sip. San really liked the sweet flavourful tea, and when he slurped the boba balls, his eyes widened. "Well, do you like it?" The tallest guy asked.

"I love it!" He replied, taking another sip of the drink.

The three men chatted for about half an hour, before Yunho took San around the shop. "This area back here is for staff only. The lockers are here for you to put your stuff, and there's a little private lounge to rest in if you need, bathroom's further down. Here's your uniform."

San took the uniform, it consisted of a black top and a dark purple/green apron.

What was it with the aprons??

"Wear whatever bottoms you'd like, preferably long pants but shorts is fine too."

"Thank you Yunho hyung." He had already started calling his new friends 'hyung'. You heard it right, he made two new friends that day.

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