20. gift part 1

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The following week was San and Yunho's birthday. Their birthdays were just two days apart, so Yeosang decided to organise a joint party for the both of them.

In the past, they would celebrate at a pub, but this year, to include Rina, Yeosang rented a party space near the flower shop. He got the help of his friends to order food delivery, and plan the (kid-friendly) games they could play. He would be in charge of getting the cakes.

The night before the party, Yeosang went out to buy his friends their birthday gifts. He had done his research and knew exactly what he was going to buy for each guy.

However, much to his horror, the shop was closed when he got there. "What the f-" he cursed, whipping out his phone to check the opening hours. It was supposed to be open now!

Yeosang sighed in frustration, he had to get something for them. He decided to walk through the underground shopping mall, maybe he'd find something similar and perhaps at a cheaper price.

That didn't happen, but he ended up buying a traditional quilt for Yunho, the sleepyhead, and a bracelet set for San, the...dad?

He remembered San mentioning that he liked jewellery so bracelets were the  perfect gift for him.

The next day was the party. Yeosang woke up early up early to collect the cakes. Thankfully that went smoothly and he carried them to the party venue, keeping them in the fridge. His friends showed up on time too to decorate the place with banners, balloons and other miscellaneous stuff. The theme was black and gold.

Time flew by quickly, and soon it was 3pm. San would be arriving with Rina, and Yunho would be coming from work.

They heard a knock at the door. Yeosang opened it and they shouted: "happy birthday!!" Yunho gasped when he saw all the hard work put into organising the party. He thanked Yeosang as he handed him his gift. "Happy birthday hyung, I hope you like it!" They shared a bro hug before his other friends approached him to take selfies and give gifts.

Yeosang only had one person on his mind.


About half an hour later, they heard another knock. Everyone got into position as Yeosang opened the door and once again, everyone wished him happy birthday, even people that San had never met before. Yeosang made sure to introduce them to him.

Rina was a little overwhelmed by the number of people in the room, but once they talked to her about school and her friends she immediately warmed up.

The party was thrilling. Music played from a large speaker as people danced, sang and ate food. They also played some games like Bingo and Charades. Everyone was having a whale of a time.

As the excitement died down, the big screen was turned on and they were watching a movie on the beanbags.

Yeosang was too busy entertaining the guests that he didn't realise San had left the room.

Only when the cake cutting was about to commence did he realise one birthday boy was missing.

He opened the door and peeped outside. San was sitting on the floor, back against the wall, zoned out.


He didn't respond.

In the blink of an eye he was next to San, running a soothing hand along his back. "It's okay," he comforted.

"Yeosang-ah, is San there? We're going to start soon," one of the guys called out.

"Hey, Sannie," he said softly, "do you feel ready to go back in? We're gonna cut the cake."

He watched as San nodded his head, then he helped him up and they went back into the room.

Yeosang's eyes never left San as the guests sang happy birthday for him and Yunho, the candles burning bright in the semi-dark room. They blew out the candles and everyone clapped. "Appa, happy birthday, I love you!" Rina said to San, handing him a balloon. He took it from her and bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead, "thank you sweetie."

He didn't eat the cake. Neither did Yeosang.

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