21. gift part 2

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San was sitting in the corner, with Rina curled up next to him. She was already asleep.

"Bye hyung! Thanks for inviting us. And happy birthday Yunho again!" He heard the guests saying goodbye one by one, the room got more and more empty, until it was just the four of them.

Yunho whispered to Yeosang: "did something happen just now?"

"Zoning out," Yeosang replied briefly, he wasn't sure what San had on his mind.

"Have you given him his present?"

"Oh right! That should cheer him up."

Yeosang crawled over to San, sat on his heels and held up a gift box saying: "happy birthday Sannie, I got this for you."

San looked up and Yeosang opened the box to reveal four beautiful bracelets sitting on some purple tissue.

"Thank you hyung," he smiled and Yeosang placed it on his palm. He put the box in his bag.

Yunho went over to sit next to them.
"I need a drink. Ughhh I need-"

"Me too," San butted in.

The two boys stared at San in shock.

"You drink? Can you drink?" Yunho asked.

"I've never tried but I want to try."

"I can't drink, but if you really want to try, I can take Rina with me," Yeosang suggested.

That's what they did. San and Yunho went to the pub across the street, while Yeosang stayed at the party room with Rina.

"Just a few sips okay kid? You don't want Rina seeing you drunk."

"I'm not a kid."

"It's just a way of speaking, San-ah. Come on we're here."

They stepped into the pub. San could smell soju and other kinds of alcohol mixed in the air. It was also loud in there.

Yunho approached a bartender, ordered some drinks and they took it to an empty booth.

San had the first sip. The booze gushed down his throat, sending chills up his spine. He shuddered, getting used to the tingling feeling in his mouth. Then he took a sip of another drink. He seemed to like this better, and guzzled the whole glass.

"Woah woah, San, slow down."

He just kept going, finishing both drinks Yunho bought.

"Hey! That's mine! You're gonna have to order me one then," he complained.

San stood up and staggered towards the counter. He came back with a drink in his hand. Yunho grabbed it and finished it in one go.

"Mmm, so good, I want more, Yunho I want moreeee," San whined, slamming his head onto the table before passing out.

Yunho groaned as he pulled San up, putting an arm over his shoulder and dragging them out of the bar. Man was heavy, and Yunho struggled to help him up the stairs.

Yeosang opened the door for them as soon as he heard San's drunken voice.

"Yo! Sang! Hehe see what I did there?? Hmm you smell nice, hold mee," San's words came tumbling out as Yeosang held him in his arms.

"Yunho why is he so drunk? I thought we agreed on a just a few sips."

Yunho shrugged, "he took mine you know!"

Yeosang carried the drunk boy to one of the bean bags and placed him down. He had prepared a towel and ice bucket just in case this happened. San yawned as he felt the cold wet towel gliding across his face.

He spoke a bit more, unable to hear himself before he closed his eyes and fell sound asleep.

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