12. take my hand

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⚠️ descriptions of a panic attack ⚠️

Yeosang was busy taking orders at the bakery. His phone was left in his locker, but luckily a colleague heard the ringing sound.

"Yeosang-ah, your phone keeps ringing. You might want to answer it."

He thanked his colleague, who took over his place. He briskly walked to his locker and unlocked his phone. It was three missed calls from San. He immediately dialed back.

"San? San is everything okay?"

"Uncle Yeosang..." He heard sniffles, before recognising that it was Rina's voice.

"Rina? What's wrong? Is your appa okay?"

"N-no, teacher said he's having a- a panic attack," she choked on a sob.

"I'm on my way."


He got their location and arrived at the stadium in less than 10 minutes.

San was close to passing out by then. Yeosang found him slumped over his daughter, hands still trembling.

He took one of his hands in his own and gently squeezed it in slow rhythms.

"Sannie, can you hear me? It's Yeosang. I got you."

There was that beautiful deep voice, so sweet and comforting. He lifted his head just enough to see someone looking at him. Without his glasses and his teary eyes, he couldn't see his face, he wanted to see his face.

"San, you have me, and Rina. We need to breathe together okay? Now take one deep breath in."

All three of them slowly breathed in.

"Now breathe out, through your mouth."

They did that for a few more minutes, before Yeosang asked gently: "does it hurt anywhere, Sannie?"

He stroked San's hair when San shook his head. He took over Rina's place, resting San's head on his shoulder and rubbing his hand over his back in circles.

They watched as his breathing slowed and his chest moved up and down at a normal rate.

"That's it, there you go."

Yeosang thanked teacher Hanni and the parents for help, telling them he got it from there and that San was going to need some space.

Soon, it was just the three of them sitting in that corner of the bleachers.

"Sannie, can you tell me three things you see?" Yeosang asked as Rina helped him wear back his glasses.

"Grass.. sky.. you."

"Good, now three things that you can hear?"

"Your voice..your breathing, your heartbeat."

"Good job. Now can you move three body parts for me?"

He lifted his finger and back down. He nuzzled Yeosang's shoulder. Finally, he squeezed the hand that Yeosang was holding onto.

"You're doing so good, Sannie. Do you feel ready to stand up?"

San slowly lifted his head off Yeosang's shoulder, maintaining eye contact with him, before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Then the world went dark...

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