9. pretty

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"Nana!! Appa got a new job, I'm a florist!" San said cheerfully as he picked Rina from school.

"Florist? You mean flowers? Appa works with flowers?"

"Yesss, sweetie, flowers! I'll learn to make flower bouquets for customers."

"Like the ones you used to give oemma?"

San flinched. "Maybe...I also made some new friends. Would you like to meet them?" He quickly changed the subject.

"Okay," Rina replied.

They made their way to the flower shop, hand in hand as Rina told San about her friends at school.

When they reached, there was a man waiting for them at the door.

"It's the bakery uncle!" Rina cried, running towards him. San quickly pulled her away before she got too close, rushing her inside.

"Hey San," Yunho greeted in his normal voice, then bent down to greet Rina in his 'baby voice': "hi you must be Rina? Ohhh San told me all about you. You are so cuteeee! Aigoo~" He tried to squeeze her cheeks but she dashed past him. They played 'catch' inside the shop like little kids. Literally.

"Thanks for bringing her here. She lights up the room. Not to mention, Yunho loves kids. He acts like one too haha," Yeosang said as him and San sat on the lounge chair.

"It's nothing. I want Rina to meet more people, feel more- at home, you know. I had a hard time convincing her it was worth staying here. With people to talk to, play with, she's more likely to listen to me."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you move here? And, by yourself? What about your..."

"She passed. An accident. We don't talk about it anymore," San replied briefly.

"Oh I see," Yeosang paused for a second. "Ah now I remember, is it okay if we exchange numbers? I was gonna get it from Yunho but I figured you might want mine too?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

As they typed their numbers in each other's phone, one big kid and one little kid ran into the lounge room, laughing loudly.

"Rina, keep it down!" San said firmly.

She whined, aggressively saying NO before giggling even louder while tugging at Yunho's leg.

"Sorry San-ah I would tell her to sit down and keep quiet too but I just can't do it," Yunho admitted.

Yeosang nudged San's arm and whispered: "let them play. Soon they'll get tired and it'll be quiet again."


He was ordering food for the four of them when San decided to ask him a personal question.

"What made you grow out your hair?"

He looked up from the phone, twirling his hair with his fingers and saying: "oh this? I don't know honestly, I guess I woke up one day and thought I'd look better with longer hair."

"You do. Look. Better. With long hair. I mean I'm sure you look really good with short hair, but- but with shoulder-length you- you look really.."

Don't say it, don't say it.


He said it.

"Thanks, I was waiting for someone to compliment me like that."

One Day At A Time | sansangWhere stories live. Discover now