22. heart to heart

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When he woke up, there was throbbing pain in his head. He put his glasses on and slowly sat up, looking around the room. He felt weight on his lap and looked down. Little Rina was resting her head there, still sleeping. The place was already cleaned up, but Yunho and Yeosang was nowhere in sight.

"Rina? Sweetie wake up," he gently tapped her leg, and her eyes fluttered open.

"Appa..."she mumbled, reaching up to wrap her arms round his neck. San lifted her and stood up.

"Thank God today is Saturday," he chuckled.

He checked his phone, and realised there were some messages from Yeosang:

Yunho and I went for breakfast.
When you wake up, bring Rina with
you to the cafe downstairs.

I hope you don't feel sick😣

He smiled, Yeosang was such a sweetheart. He picked up his bag, checked the place one more time, before climbing down the stairs.

"There you are! Come come, we ordered egg toast and coffee for you." Yunho greeted, ushering him to the seat.

"Thanks guys."

He placed Rina on the chair next to him and immediately dug into the food. Yeosang helped Rina with her food.

"Did..did I do anything weird last night?" San asked as he finished the last bit of his toast.

"Uh," the two boys looked at each other, "no, not really. Just nonsense that's all," Yunho replied.

They were really gonna keep quiet about the fact that San had been so talkative last night. He craved so much physical touch and attention from Yeosang. Not to mention the amount of lovey dovey things he said to Yeosang's face.

"Tell me, please."

Yunho gulped, seeking help from Yeosang, who just concentrated on his food.

"You wanted to hug him to sleep. You wanted him to..you know be affectionate towards you. You said you liked guys like him and uh..uh...you said um...that you-"

"You were drunk, San. I don't listen to drunk talk," Yeosang affirmed.

"Okay.." San said, turning red at the thought of his drunk self disturbing his friends.

"Uncle Yeosang, what is drunk? Like elephant trunk?" Rina questioned, making an elephant trunk with her arms.

He laughed, "yes dear, your appa behaved like an elephant. Just like that."


Why wouldn't Yeosang call him that? Since when did he start calling her that? No fair.

"You should go home and get some rest after this," Yeosang added.


Once they reached their apartment, Rina ran straight into the shower, while San unpacked his bag. His hand hit something hard, and he pulled it out. It was the gift box from Yeosang. He opened it to remove the bracelets when he noticed a folded piece of paper stuffed at the very bottom underneath the coloured tissue. He unfolded it and read it's contents, it was Yeosang's handwriting:

Dear San,
Happy birthday! You're getting old haha. There isn't much space on this paper so I'm gonna go straight to the point.
I really admire you. It's not easy balancing work and caring for Rina, but you do it with so much love and passion, sometimes pushing yourself over the limits. Not many people can do that. You are so strong, lovely, and cute, I'm so glad that we met. I don't know what my life would've been like if we weren't friends, it's all thanks to me right?
Jk jk > < I hope we can hang out more, I want to show the world what an amazing person you are.
Love, Yeosang❤️

A single tear fell from his face and dripped onto the paper.

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