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Just like that, they were boyfriends. The only other person who knew about their relationship was Yunho. He claimed that they were kissing so loud that day, that him and Rina could hear them, but he protected the little kid's innocence by covering her ears.

Yeosang was glad that he could finally put a label to his sexuality. All this while he assumed he was straight, it didn't occur to him that he was looking at the wrong direction. No wonder he remained single for so long.

And San, he took some time to get used to saying the word 'boyfriend', because he never thought he'd end up with one. He was very nervous when he and Yeosang were out together in public; even though they never held hands, he imagined people with lazer eyes that could see right through him, find out that they were dating, two boys,
gay, gay, gay.

The only time he felt safe was when they were behind closed doors, like in the flower shop, specifically the lounge room, where they'd made out several times.

"You two need a room," Yunho joked one time at lunch.

"Shut up Jeong Yunho, you need to get laid," Yeosang attacked, causing the tall boy's jaw to fall to the floor, looking very offended.

"Anyway, guys, I need to tell Rina. About me and you," San said, looking at Yeosang. "She has half day at school tomorrow. If you don't mind, you come over to our apartment and we can tell her together."

Yeosang ruffled San's hair and agreed.

"Get a room!" Yunho mouthed. They just ignored him, grinning at each other knowing how they preferred to get intimate with one another.


"Uncle Yeosang!" Rina exclaimed, skipping towards him, lunch bag swinging around non-stop.

"Hi Rina, how was school?" Yeosang took her backpack as they headed home. San was patiently waiting for them.

"It was a little boring. We only had English and Math class, and recess. Oh you know at recess, my friend Suzy slipped near the sinks and I went to help her, and teacher Hanni gave me a badge! See?"

Yeosang listened attentively to Rina's stories, she always had the cutest experiences to share and he was all for it.

When they stepped into the apartment, San was waiting near the entrance. He embraced little Rina for a bit, letting her remove her shoes and socks, before turning his attention to Yeosang.

"Thank you for fetching her."

Yeosang sauntered towards him, placing his hands on San's hips. "Hm," he hummed, his voice had a tinge of seductiveness.

San could feel himself shifting to wonderland, snapping out of it when he heard Rina ask what they were doing for the rest of the day.

"Nana sweetie, actually...uncle Yeosang and I have something to tell you."

They moved to sit on the couch and Rina sat up, cross-legged as she could sense it was something important.

"Appa and Uncle Yeosang are dating. We are boyfriends," San began.

"Oh? You mean you're in love with each other?" She asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Yeah. We love each other. More than hold hands kind of love," Yeosang added.

"Did you kiss each other again?"

"Uh..yes, we did. Well you told me to, didn't you?"

"Mhmm, you can kiss uncle if you love him."

San smiled at his daughter's response. He continued: "are you okay with us being together?"

"Yes! I want appa to be happy, appa is happy with uncle," she said, crawling over to them and hugging their arms.

Rina was such a sweet and open little girl. Maybe it was her age, or her young heart, but she accepted everyone for who they were, even if they were a little different from her. She wanted people to love themselves and live happily. San was very blessed to have such an understanding daughter.

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