28. one day at a time

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⚠️ descriptions of a panic attack ⚠️

They were awoken by the chirping of birds and the sound of waves hitting the shore, and Yunho's loud singing in the shower.

"Morning," Yeosang greeted his boyfriend, planting a kiss on San's forehead.

They cuddled for a bit, talking about how it was their first time sleeping next to each other and how much they liked it.

When Yunho was done, he stepped into their room. "Rina and I are washed up, you guys can go in."

"Thanks Yunho-ya."

Before the tall boy left the room he turned around. "So last night...did you two..you know?" He made a kissing motion with his fingers.

"Get OUT!" San yelled, he was always a little grumpy in the morning.

"Sorry I thought I heard a lil something," Yunho talked back, before running for his life.


They went out that day. San brought his friends to the top tourist attractions which he'd gone hundreds of times.

Cutest tour guide I've ever seen, Yeosang thought.

They ate famous Namhae food, went sightseeing, and took a bajillion pictures together.

San felt so happy, happier than ever. He wanted to show them where he had grown up, near the rice paddy fields. Yunho was particularly excited about this, he wanted to learn to grow rice. They rented some bikes and cycled to the nearest paddy field.

There, you could see farmers tending to their crops. They squatted in one corner and San pointed at the paddy, explaining the process of growing rice. All of them were listening carefully when Rina suddenly stood up.


San stopped talking. He slowly turned his head to the direction Rina was looking at.

His mom. His mom was right there. She was dressed in her farmer's outfit, happily chatting with other elderly farmers.


They moved as quick as lightning. San dragged Rina to her bike, helping her on before getting on his. They paddled as fast as they could, Yunho and Yeosang behind them.

San just kept paddling, he wasn't sure where he was going, he just paddled and paddled and paddled.

He only stopped when Yeosang cut in front of him. They tumbled off their bikes.

San struggled to catch his breath. He could feel his head beating along with his heart, his legs soon going numb as he collapsed on the ground.

His friends were immediately by his side.

"Breathe together with me Sannie," Yeosang soothed. They did the 3 3 3 method, and Rina held his hand, just like that day at the race.

Not long after, San's breathing slowed. They stayed on the ground for a while, ensuring he was ready to go before getting up.

The group paddled back to the return the bikes.

When they reached the cottage, Yunho helped San into the shower. While waiting, Rina asked Yeosang: "Uncle Yeosang, how do you know what to do when appa has panic attacks? You're so good at it also."

"I have a psychology degree," he boasted.

She looked at him blankly, so Yeosang put it into simpler words: "Uncle learnt about the human mind when I was in school. I know how our feelings and emotions work," he said, placing his palm on his chest, above his heart.

"I want to learn that too! When I'm older, so I can help appa," Rina said, imitating Yeosang's action.

"You're the sweetest ever."


They spent 3 more days in Namhae, shopping, going to the beach, and more. On Rina's actual birthday, they had a little celebration at the cottage, where she invited her childhood friend, Maya.

They never went back to the paddies.

"Hello? Dr Kim? Yes it's San. I'm calling to confirm the session for this afternoon. Yes. Also, is it okay if I bring a friend? Um..he's my..boyfriend. Yes, yes thank you so much I'll see you bye."

"What did he say?" Yeosang asked eagerly.

"He said 'it's perfectly fine, whatever makes you comfortable.'"

"That's great! You ready to go? Let's get ice cream before."

They went to the ice cream parlour across the street. This time, San didn't drop his wallet.

"I didn't know you like ice cream. I also didn't know you have a degree in psychology."

"Oh, right. Rina told you?"

"No, Yunho did. Rina knows too? Anyway why are you selling bread if you have such a powerful degree?"

They walked into the hospital just as Yeosang replied: "I was nervous. After getting my degree, I had many job options. Knowledge wise, I was fully prepared, but mentally wise, I didn't feel ready to go out into the real world. I decided to take time off, get a part time job, studying the days I was free."

"You're stronger than you think, hyung," San reassured, lifting his hand to squeeze Yeosang's biceps. "Literally."

Then they walked into Dr Kim's office. San had never felt so safe during therapy. With Yeosang next to him, hand on his the whole time, he found himself speaking with ease.

"San, it's good to see you looking happier and livelier. I'm glad you found someone you love. Always remember what we talked about: step by step, live-"

"One day at a time," San recited.

"That's right."

When they were done, Dr Kim said to Yeosang: "it was nice meeting you Yeosang-ssi. Take good care of San okay?"

"I will, thank you doctor."

-Last chapter released tomorrow-

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