Chapter 10: Drunk Or Sober?

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Chapter 10:

Why? Why did I have to open my mouth and speak at all? Nate stands before me with his lips slightly parted as he stares at me with relief in his eyes? 'Of course it's not relief, don't be absurd' my subconscious yells at me with a scowl plastered on her face.

"Well? Answer me" he takes another step closer to me making my heart race faster. I try not to give into his eyes because the next few words could betray me.

"You don't get to tell me what to do" I push at his chest taking him by surprise as he backs away from me. I stand beside Sophie, her mouth is hanging open at what just happened but so am I, the guilt of saying those things to him... 'No! I shouldn't feel sorry, I handled this in this most... immature way, god I'm an idiot. He walks towards me once more with a possessed expression across his face that makes me want to cringe in fear. As he comes closer my fear grows I don't feel like dealing with this right now.

"Stop!" I say making him snap out of his daze as he wears a concerned almost pleading look making my chest ache. "Sophie is going to take me home today. I can't stand seeing your face right now." I say as my voice crakes and feel the tears building up in my eyes. Nate finches at my choice of words and takes a step backwards keeping his head to the ground. Behind him I see Clark, John, Sam and that little brunette that was all over Nate just a few minutes ago. I shake my head and turn my head refusing to let them see my tears. Sophie grabs my arm and pulls me away from the others. When we pull out of the campus in Sophie's car we head in the opposite direction of 'The Palace.'

"Where are we going?" I ask as I use my sleeve to wipe my nose.

"We are going to a bar." She casually says pulling into a parking lot.

"But we can't, we are underage." I shake my head as I sniffle wiping the smudged makeup.

"I know the owner, don't worry he always let me take friends here. You my friend need a drink." We walk into a modern day bar and the only colour in here is brown. I follow Sophie into the back were a man in mid-40's smiles jumping off his stool and pulls Sophie into a hug. They both laugh as they pull away as the man asks.

"What can I do for you Sop?"

"Well considering the only times I do come in here are to drink." She laughs and turns to me, "This is my friend Hazel and she definitely needs a drink. She's got some 'boy problems'"

"Oh, well under the circumstances, it's nice to meet you Hazel. My name is Ken." I smile and shake his hand briefly replying with a soft, "it's nice to meet you too."

"Well you know what to do just go to the lounge area and take it easy okay? If you do indeed get to drunk I'll call a taxi or something." He smiles then walks past us back into the bar. Sophie motions me to follow her as we come to a nice seating area with couches surrounding a large table and a mini bar to the side with bottles among the wall.

"You can take a seat and I'll grab a bottle." She tells me. I sit on the fine leather couch and set my bag on down and look around the room. On the wall beside me there is a flat screen TV and a door leading into a pool table room. Sophie jumps into the seat diagonal from me and opens the content of clear liquid. I reach out and grab the bottle and read the label that says 'Vodka' I bring the rim of it to nose and inhale. It smells kind of funny so I hand it back to Sophie and puts two shot glasses on the table.

"Okay lets go slow." She pours both glasses to the top and pushes it in my direction, "You can't spit it back out okay?" She grins and brings hers to her lips drinking the liquid until there's nothing left and gives me a twisted look. I hesitate for a moment then nod my head smiling a little as I tip the liquor into my mouth and swallow feeling the burn as it goes down. I screw my eyes shut and stick my tongue out as the distaste of the alcohol lingers there. Sophie pours me another shot and this time I do not hesitate but let the burn sooth down my throat, one shot after another. Each shot I seem to take the more my brains seems to fuzz out mostly everything about Nate. After about six of them I start to get a big headache and stomach churns. I see Sophie is completely drunk and hands me a bucket as I throw up. She laughs and pours another shot for the both of us, they seem to keep coming as I look over and see that we are halfway down our second bottle and at this point I have forgotten how many shot's I've had. I snatch the bottle from Sophie's grasp and drink from there. By the time I finish off the bottle my headache has increased, and my vision is a little... well really blurry. Ken comes into the room and sees the two of us laughing for no reason and tells us he will drop me and Sophie home.

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