Chapter 15: New Professor

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Chapter 15: New Professor

Nate's walking me to my last class for the day and stops me outside the door, "Okay so Sophie is taking you back to the house right?" He asks me and I nod my head chuckling at his worry. Tonight's ball meant a lot to Mr Blake and Nate didn't want to disappoint his father. Therefore he couldn't come back to 'The Palace' with me after our classes because his father needed to talk to him about something important. It just made sense and with the little time we had before the ball Nate just decided to get dressed at his parents house before picking me up.

"Yes I'm sure. She's going to stay with me until you come to get me okay?" I grin kissing him against the cheek. Nate nods his head and relaxes giving me a quick kiss before leaving.

As I walk into the lecture room I spot Sophie waving at me to sit beside her. I quickly take my place and arrange my notes on the desk waiting for the professor to arrive.

"I heard we have a new professor." Sophie bobs up and down in her chair biting her lip
making me laugh.

"How do you know?" I ask looking around the room.

"Jen in our class told me. I don't know, someone had him this morning." She shrugs and looks around the room too.

"How old is he?"

"Well, apparently he just finished his degree I'd say he's about 25" Sophie says while she grins at me.

"That's a bit young don't you think?" I ask focusing my attention back to my books in front of me and start to take notes from the revision test. Our vacation was coming up in about
a week so I had to stay sharp and focus on all my classes.

"Okay class, my name is John Waters, but to all of you it's professor Waters. I know it's a
bit late to start being your professor when you are about to finish your first semester but your previous professor had a bit of an accident and could not continue to work with his condition. Anyway moving on, I want to start with all the basic stuff so just some definitions for what you will need when you all come back from your vacation. I'm going to pick you at random." I hadn't even looked up from my notes let alone pay any attention
to the new teacher. As I zone out more the nerves about tonight increase. I start to feel the anxiety crawling its way up my back about all the horrible possibilities about what could happen tonight.

I feel my arm being pulled and I slowly jolt out of my trance to focus on Sophie nudging me. I turn my attention the person in front of the room and I swear I started drooling right then and there. At the front of the room leaning against the desk was a gorgeous man dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a grey sweater. He had brown hair that was nicely styled; his face was very defined and strong in a way and the glasses he wore made him look very sophisticated and professional, he is definitely as young as Sophie said before.

"What's your name?" He asked. Even though I was a few rows back I still felt very uncomfortable with his gaze on me.

"Hazel Griffin" I say twirling my pen between my fingers to keep myself busy and look down at desk feeling intimidated by his stare.

"Well Miss Griffin, since you were so kindly listening, would you like to tell us the definition of a metaphor and give us an example?" He asks.

"A metaphor is a figure of speech in an expression then is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally appropriate." I say getting my courage to meet his gaze and hold it there without backing away.

"Yes, can you give us an example?" He narrows his eyes as if he's testing me to see if I'm
strong enough to defy him. But I stand my ground and narrow my eyes back at him.

Very calmly I exhale and say, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances."

Professor Waters raises his eyebrows and nods still keeping his stare sharp on me, "Shakespeare, very good. Could you tell us why it's a good example of a metaphor?" He
says narrowing his eyes once again. This guy is really starting to annoy me.

"The quote is from 'As You Like It' by William Shakespeare. It is a good example for a metaphor because the words, 'the world' is linked to a stage, therefore the aim being to label the world by taking distinguished attributes from the stage. In this situation, the world is the tenor and the stage is the vehicle. The words 'Men and women' are the
secondary tenor and 'players' is the vehicle for this secondary tenor." I say finally giving
up and look down at my pen on the book. My brain is fried and I need to get out of here.

"That was very well explained Miss Griffin," Professor Waters says and turns around to write things on the board.

I look at Sophie who is carefully looking back at me, "Are you alright? You look a little red."

"I'm a little dizzy and I want to get out of here." I say as I rub the back of my neck, all the stress about tonight is just getting to me I want to rest.

"Well I'm sure we can leave. Do you want me to text Nate from your phone and see if he can send someone to give us permission to leave?" Sophie asks looking a little concerned. I
nod my head and hand her my phone.

About ten minutes passes and I see Nate and a woman at the door. The woman knocks then walks over to Professor Waters and speaks quietly to him. I look over at Nate who is scanning the room then finally rest his soft eyes on mine. I quickly look back to the woman and Mr Waters talking. He nods his head and turns his gaze back to me and continues nodding his head. Finally when the lady leaves the room I keep my eyes on Nate. Mr
Waters calls out, "Hazel and Sophie please come here." He motions with his hands to
come forward. We pack up our things and make our way to him. Mr Waters gives us both some hand outs and quickly says to us, "You both have been given permission to leave due to an emergency."

I feel a familiar hand on the small of my back and turn to see Nate taking my bag from me. I don't really listen to the rest of what Mr Waters has to say but I'm distracted that Nate's here with me. After Mr Waters finished speaking, Nate guided me out of the room along with Sophie. He stops us and tells Sophie that we will meet her at her car; she nods
and starts to walk off. He takes me round to a corner and rests me against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Nate asks lightly rubbing my shoulders.

"I'm just a little tired that's all, I'm stressing out about tonight." I frown a little and look up at Nate's gentle eyes.

"Well when you get back to the house, I want you to have a little sleep and I'll get people to come around to help set you up for tonight. Okay?" He kisses the top of my head and puts his arm around my waist and slowly walks me to Sophie's car.

This is going to be a very long night. I just hope I am ready for it.
Thank you very much to my friend Lenny_James96 for editing this chapter for me and also for creating the new cover for I'm Yours. You guys should check out her work cause she's amazeballs!!

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