Chapter 2: Getting To Know You A Little

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Chapter 2:

We had now been flying for at least 5 hours now. Since the Jet was big everyone had their own space to themselves. Mr and Mrs Blake were together, Jane was at the front of the plane watching movies while Nate and I were at the back of the plane.

Nate and I were in the same row but we were just 2 sections away from each other. I was looking out the window while listening to music when he was looking out the other side of the window. Mr Blake had told us that we needed to talk and get to one another but I was extremely tired and didn't want to talk to him very much. It was pretty late and they pilot had dimed the lights so we could sleep. I started feeling cold but I couldn't find any blankets around the place so it just pulled my feet up on the seat and wrapped my arms around my legs. A shadow sat next to me, it was Nate. He smiled and took a large blanket from behind him handing it to me. I smiled back and took the blanket. I took my head phones out and looked at him. We didn't have an actual conversation together.

"Hey" He said, getting himself comfortable in the seat next to me.

"Hey" I said back, not sure of what else to talk about.

"Ok look." He turned to me, "I know you probably don't want to talk to me. But I do, and all I can say at the moment is how beautiful you look." He smiled crookedly. I giggled and looked away blushing.

"Thank you" I said with a large smile on my face.

"Hey you're smiling!" he cheered. "I really want to get to know you Hazel." He said narrowing his head to look at my face.

I nodded, "Well what do you want to know about me?" I smiled giggling a little.

"Well let's start off with things you usually tell people about yourself" he laughed.

"Ok well, my name is Hazel Griffin. I'm 20 years old, I have an Aunt and a little brother, I used to work at a small café around the corner of our apartment, and I used to live in England. And I want to study and become a nurse." I nodding thinking of most things I could tell him about myself. "What about you?" I asked.

"Well, my name is Nate Blake. I'm 22 years old. I have my parents and a little sister. I live in San Francisco. And my father wants me to take over the company when I finish my degree in business." He said. I nodded raising my eyebrows. I would hate to run a company, there would be so much work to do all the time. "Ok now tell me about the small thing I guess like hobbies and your favourite colour, things like that."

"My hobbies are reading, drawing and photography. My favourite colour is either between yellow and light blue. Like your eyes" I covered my mouth completely not expecting myself to say the last part. Nate laughed taking my hand away from my mouth and held it. I looked down at our intertwined hands and grinned. I look back to him and saw he was doing to the same thing. He looked back to me, "I like playing football and skateboarding. My favourite colour was blue but now it's green because I love your eyes." He looked into my eyes and slightly smiled. I grinned and leaned forward kissing his cheek. Nate's cheeks flared a red, it was really hot.

We talked for a couple of hours after everyone went to sleep just about our lives and embarrassing things and just weird stuff. There was a lot of laughing but if one of us was too loud we would have to put cover each other's mouth from laughing too much. Nate was a really great guy. He was caring, hot, and cocky some times. But I just loved it how he listened, he was an understanding person.

"Hazel, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents?" He asked. I frowned but I figured he probably needed to know. "You don't have to answer that if you're upset about it." He said holding his hands up waving the subject off.

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