Morning fog

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I was out on the engawa as I watched the fog roll in. It came so fast that it felt like I only blinked. I sat, enjoying the cool feeling of the fog, which intertwined along the forest, hugging each tree. The grey fog got heavier, and soon, you could barely see the tree in line of the first. A few of the Kakushi, in charge of keeping my estate clean and organised, slowed down and watched as the fog rolled in. Bit by bit, as they all watched, it seemed to have turned into a thick wall.

"Man, that's a pain." One of the Kakushi groaned. Walking back to their quarters wouldn't be easy.

"If the fog is there by night, you all can stay at my estate." I turned to the Kakushi who were watching the fog. They all smiled and bowed.

"Thank you, Tomioka-sama." The tree of the standing said.

"You can tell the others as well. I have spare rooms, you can get them prepared for yourselves." I turned back to the fog as the Kakushi ran to inform the others.

Soon. The Kakushi were making food as the stay at my estate would be longer than anticipated. Others were preparing the futons. From the busy morning to now, the calmer after noon, everyone was relaxing and either talking to others or watching the fog.

A few of the Kakushi went out to scope out the area, checking if the fog was covering a larger area. Nobody expected them to come back with company.


"Where did you find him?" I said as I checked out the small sleeping boy. He didn't seem injured or in distress.

"I found him on the hill. I presume he was napping, and once the fog rolled in, he stayed in his spot to not get lost." I thought about the theory. Honestly, anything is possible with Muichiro.

"Alright. That's probably it. Could one of you bring a spare futon and a thicker blanket? Bring them to my room." I gently picked the boy up and brought him to my room. He was cold, his fingers freezing. "What were you doing out?" I whispered just as the Kakushi brought in the extra items. They laid the futon down, and I gently laid Muichiro down, covering him in the blanket.

"I'll stay here, I'll call out if I need anything." I said. The kakushi nodded and left the room. Leaving me with Muichiro. I opened the sliding doors to the garden. Only a little bit, enough for me to sit out and watch the fog get heavier than before.

"Dad?" A soft, hoars voice spoke out. I turned back to see muichiro squinting and trying to get up. I quickly got up and walked over to him.

"Muichiro. Sh, calm down." I touched his forhead, finding him overheating and sweating. "Oh, God. You have a fever."

Muichiro shook his head and sat up. "I'm fine." He groaned as he tried to open his eyes. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You have a fever and most likely a headache. Lay back down." He reluctantly laid back down. Shaking his head again. "Will you be okay with changing? Staying in your uniform is uncomfortable."

He nodded. "It's kinda ironic that you told me to lay down, then asked for me to change." I sat still, an embarrassed blush creeping over me.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, it is." I chuckled a bit. I stood up and went over to my closet and slid open the door. Picking out a comfortable yukata for muichiro. "You're smaller than me, so the yukata can be a bit big." He took it and nodded. I left the room to give him privacy.

I went back to the engawa and assigned one of the Kakushi to guide Muichiro to wherever he wanted to go. Surprisingly enough, Muichiro requested to hang out with me. The pair came up to me, and Muichiro sat beside me. The Kakushi went back to the others.

"What made you want me?" I asked as the boy sat beside me, watching the thick fog.

"You're the only one I can tolerate." This boy didn't have a filter. He was too blunt sometimes. One day, his words are going to get him in trouble.

"Are you hungry, perhaps?" I tilted my head to meet his eyes. They were just as hazy as the weather outside. Foggy and mysterious.

"A little." He looked down at his stomach, swinging his feet off the edge of the engawa.

I never really interacted with Muichiro much. But I knew he was a good kid. He just had a bad way with words. He's always in a daze, so Gyomei and Shinobu are usually the ones found taking care of him. On his missions, his kasugai crow was the one to take care of him. Usually, a Kakushi would come along. This kid was strong. He just had a hazy mind. I don't blame him. His past was horrible, and I'm surprised he's still alive.

I called over a Kakushi to bring over a snack. A minute or so later, they brought back rice crackers. Muichiro took one and slowly ate it, small crumbs falling on his yukata. We both sat in silence, just enjoying the view of the fog. And before I knew it, the plate was empty and pushed away.

"If you'd like more, I can get you some." I turned to look at Muichiro, who yawned. "Oh, tired?"

He only nodded and scooted over, placing his head on my lap. Muichiro was always impulsive. He never really thought things through. So when he made this specific action, it surprised me. But it warmed my heart at the same time.

I brushed my fingers through his long hair. His hair was smooth and silky. I could feel him relax, and his breathing slowed down as he was on the brink of falling asleep.

I hummed a small melody, sang by my sister when I was younger. When I had terrible nights, with nightmare that brought me to tears. My sister would bring me in her arms and hum a sweet melody. It was hauntingly beautiful. It reminded me of home, yet a home far away. It was a strangely comforting feeling. Like when you find comfort in sadness. Similarly, finding comfort in a nostalgic illusion.

I continued to brush his long, soft hair as I sang the hauntingly beautiful melody. It bounced off the forest and echoed through the fog. In the corner of my eyes, I could see a few Kakushi listening to me. I didn't mind it. My sisters lullabies were hypnotic in a way. Whenever she sang, her voice would coax me to her side. Oh, how I miss her soft, reassuring voice. The voice that would make my worries flow away. Like water. She was as calm as a sprinkle in the sun. As beautiful as a ripple. I miss her dearly.

Before I knew it, the fog faded away, and the sky cleared up. The warm sun shone upon the dewy grass. The colours grew in vibrancy, and the rainbow spread its colours. A few of the Kakushi went out for a walk to stretch after hours of being cooped up in the estate. I could see some of the Kakushi bringing snacks outside to enjoy the warm sun.

Muichiro stirred awake, the sun's rays shining close to him. He yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes, ridding of their drowsy feeling.

"The sun came out while you slept." I spoke gently. He did just wake up.

"You have a beautiful voice." The boy blurted out. His tone of voice suggested that he truly meant it.

I couldn't help but smile and look down. "Thank you. It's my sisters melody. I remember her songs from long ago." Muichiro scooted closer.

"You carry your sisters spirit with your voice." He placed his head on my arm. I adjusted myself and placed the arm around him.

The words stuck to me. In a way, I always had my sister with me. Even with her Kimono always by my side, I always had her melodies to keep me calm.

"In a way, she's always with me." I smiled, looking up into the clear blue sky. Muichiro and I enjoyed the rather nice weather after the heavy fog. I would even say we got closer.

I'm glad Muichiro and I crossed paths. We got closer, and I count him as a little brother now. He's a good kid with a good heart. He just has a unique way of words.


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