Sunset Horizon

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The next few weeks went by in a blur. My lungs got weaker, and so did I. I developed anaemia due to my new habit of coughing up blood. Shinazugawa always kept close to me, never letting me go. Wherever I was, he was there too, holding onto my arm. I didn't mind it, I truly loved spending time with him. Even in the dark night, I would find my way to his bed, and his arms would snake around me. I woke up every morning, seeing him. His soft face and his gentle smile when he first wakes up. I loved it all. Everything about this man was perfect.


"A wedding?" I was surprised to hear this coming from Kanroji.

"Yes! You're invited to Iguro and mines wedding!" She smiled brightly.

"Oh my! Congratulations!" I stood up and gave Kanroji a long hug.

"Yes! We decided for this wedding to be western inspired. I've seen many rich families do them, and the dresses were phenomenal!" She happily laughed as she clasped her hands together.

"I'll happily attend your wedding. It will be my first time attending a Western style one." I couldn't imagine what the difference would be. I've seen the big, beautiful white dresses worn by the women and how they throw the bouquet to the other unmarried women. All this was so new yet so exciting I could not wait. "When will the wedding be?"

"It will take place during Cherry Blossom season!" She sat back down, holding Iguro's hand. The two were truly in love, Iguro especially.

"Ah, what a pretty time to get married." Kanroji nodded, and we discussed everything else together. I didn't realise the time before I saw Shinazugawa enter the Butterfly Mansion. I still resided in the Butterfly Mansion due to my worsening illness.

"Ah, welcome back, Sanemi!" I stood up and walked over, he embraced me and gave me a small kiss.

"Hello, I'm glad to be back." I smiled lovingly before looking back at the two soon to be married couple.

"You won't believe what they told me." I grinned and sat Sanemi down before those two. They started to explain everything from the start. Sanemi was truly not surprised they had gotten together, but surprised to be having a wedding, especially a western styles one. However, Mitsuri is the type to enjoy foreign things.

However, as months passed and the wedding came, I got worse and worse. Though, I was glad to be granted such a luxury to see a western styled wedding. Mitsuri looked gorgeous in her white wedding dress, and Iguro, funny enough, looked like a nervous mess in his suit.

What I loved the most about the wedding was the after party. Everyone let loose and danced, ate, and partied. The food was delicious, and I even danced with Sanemi as everyone was invited to the floor.

After a while, I had to step out, and I could not hold in a lasting cough.

"Thank you." A voice spoke behind me. It was a softer voice. However, I knew them well.

"There's no need for thanks." I turned to face them, a smile on my face.

"I do. This means a lot to. . . The both of us." Iguro looked down. "You risked your health to be here."

I walked up to him, placing a hand on his back. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

He looked up with a smile, his skin shone in the moon lit night. His smile was a unique one. A beautiful one.

"Make sure to smile more. It suits you." With a chuckle, he nudged my shoulder as we entered the venue. I sat by a table with Sanemi, and Iguro returned to his newly wed wife.

The night lasted for a while. It lasted till the sunrise. By then, everyone was walking out, filled with food and drunk on alcohol. Me, Sanemi, and Shinobu returned to the Butterfly Mansion, sleeping off the day and waking back up at night.


A month passed after the wedding. I was bedridden a week ago. People have been visiting me and offering me gifts. I accepted them all with gratitude. I may not have long to live, but these gifts will forever stay at my estate. Sanemi always made sure to bring the gifts to my estate.

"Sanemi, can you bring me to the lake by my estate?" I had a sudden urge to go to the lake. No matter how much I pushed it away, I wanted to see the crystal blue waters.

"Shinobu will kill us both." He placed down his book and turned to look at me. He had a small grin on him, knowing he couldn't say no to me.

"I'm sure she will forgive us."

"Alright, just this once." He stood up and bent down in front of my bed. I slid out and hopped onto his back.

"This once is all I need."

We made our way to my estate, passing my dull garden. After months of neglect, my garden withered away. The vibrant flowers were rotten on the soil, and the trees were losing their glow. I ordered the Kakushi to leave my estate be, for as long as I'm not there, it won't be a home.

"This lake has gotten smaller, or is it just me?" Sanemi placed me down on the soft grass. Soon, to be straws. The lake was smaller than before, I could see the eroded rock beneath the waters. It was never this low. It must be time.

I went over by the shore, sitting down and enjoying the setting sun reflected in the crystal fabric.

"This place is beautiful." Sanemi sat down beside me. His one arm rested behind me.

"It quite is. It's serene." I leaned against his side. Laying my head down on his shoulder.

As the golden glow lulled me to sleep, I said my final words before the light took me away.

"I love you, Sanemi. Promise me we'll find one another in another life." My voice was meek and whispered.

I could feel Sanemi embrace me as a tear slipped past his eyes. He pulled me closer, like the day we first bonded.

"I'll promise to keep searching for you until I find you. I promise we will last forever." With my last strength, I brushed away his tears, giving him my last kiss.

"I'll be waiting for you, my love."

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