Ripple of a heart

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"Tomioka, you're in here more often than I would like." Shinobu huffed as she checked my lungs. I came into the butterfly mansion once a week ever since I coughed up blood. It was nothing to worry about too much, maybe a healing internal injury. "Breath in." I did as told and took in what seemed to be a normal breath for me. "It sounds like fireworks in your lungs." She places her stethoscope away. Thinking of the worst, she pushed the thought away and sighed, sitting back into her chair. "Let's say it's an internal injury for now. You should spend more time outside, it'll heal your lungs."

"Okay, thank you, Shinobu." I hopped of the medical table and walked out. Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo were already waiting for me outside. "What are you three doing here? Don't you have work?"

"We do, but we wanted to give you this before you leave!" Kiyo spoke, but Naho gave me a wrapped up trinket. She unveiled it to reveal a blue hair tie.

"We made this just for you. It will suit your butterfly clip." Sumi smiled as she spoke. Her eyes gleamed of light. Whenever I went out, I wore the blue butterfly clip the three girls gave me. It was like I was a part of the butterfly mansion. I basically lived there by now.

"How thoughtful of you. Truly, thank you. I appreciate the gift. How about you be the first one to put it into my hair?" Once the idea was out there, the three were on the mission. I sat down on the ground while the three girls worked on my hair, detangling it and brushing it silky smooth.

As time flowed, my injury hurt more and more. Well, internal one. I couldn't help but cough, apologising to the girls for interrupting their work. It was beginning to burn a bit. It felt like I was running a mile without moving a muscle. I was wheezing, hungry for air that was around me, yet I couldn't take it in. It felt like the oxygen around me was just out of reach, and the bubble I was incased in was filled with exhaled breath no longer of any use to me. A wave crashed over me, and sweat pooled on my forehead. I wheezed, and the girls began to worry. They ran in to get help, too late to help me, almost too late.

"Whoa there, are you alright? Here, let's get you inside." A familiar voice. The one I remember was usually loud and booming through the halls. This time, it was softer and more urgent.

"I'm -." I coughed once more. "Fine -."

"You don't sound alright. Plus, Shinobu is just around the corner, and it's better to be safe than sorry." He hooked an arm under my legs, another supporting my back. He lifted me with ease and walked inside the Butterfly Mansion.

"I heard what happened. Bring him here." I heard Shinobu's urgent call from far ways into the hallway. Turned out she was just right in front of us.

Muffled voices filled my ears. A touch on my chest and a cold device pressed against it. The cold feeling travelled my chest and soon went towards my back.

"I really wish it wasn't it." Shinobu murmured and slowly laid me back down. I was like a clueless doll obeying orders on impulse. My senses were gone. Everything was muffled, and my eyes were blurry. I could smell metallic scents circling around me. To top it all off, I was freezing. I was freezing yet sweating. I wasn't confused. My body was confused.

"Don't tell. . . else. . ."

". . . promise. . . secret."

". . . Wakes up. . . Tell. . ."

"Alright. . . Is. . . Okay?"

". . . I can't. . . Say."

Everything was muffled. Shinobu's voice blurred with the other. I felt a pang on my head and a tight feeling in my chest. Everything went dark, and there I was, it the void. Ripped of my senses and forced to float. Like a sinking rock, I kept sinking deeper into the void. Each time I got there, it felt like it was darker if that was possible.

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