A Shimmering Drop

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Like every day, I watched my empty closet grow emptier day by day. It grew sadder by day. I was wearing dust by now. My uniform was my only proper choice of clothes. I needed the garments. However, I was bad at choosing the right ones. I had bad eyes, even for myself. It felt awkward, truly embarrassing. Yet, I had to ask for guidance. And who better to ask than the man who owns the word fashion?

"I'm glad you finally realised you need help." His heavy arms rested on my shoulders.

"It's nothing much, only a few garments to decorate my empty closet."

"A few won't do. You need a handful for satisfaction. You know what, this shopping spree is on me!" His boastful voice loudly spoke as he dragged me to the markets.

The large crowds were much. It almost tipped my cup over. However, I took deep breaths. I didn't want to start sprinting out of there after Uzui went through all this effort to get here. Adding on, he looked like he was enjoying his time. His eyes glimmering at every piece he saw in the markets.

"Fiest your eyes, you puddle of sorrow! This is the real flamboyant life!" He took me away into a building filled with luxurious textiles. Each one had a pattern of luxury flowers or repeated patterns. "May I get him measured and fitted for the right textile?" He called out to a young woman. She nodded and, with a smile, took me away. Uzui glanced around.

My height was measured, and so was everything else. And with Uzui picking out the fabrics, he got a few combinations made. However, I didn't know how much. I only found him carrying a large sack as we left the shop and entered a new one. This time, he got casual wear. This was quick and easy, and we left in a blink of an eye.

Shop after Shop, he got me more and more before he arms were filled when we headed to my estate.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" I was ready to carry a few sacks. After all, he was carrying them all.

"I need no aid. I'm strong enough to carry this and you on top!" As pretentious as he was, he wasn't all so bad once warmed up to. He was loud but had a playfully good heart.


"You look amazing!" Uzui watched as I tried on a few of the pieces he had bought me. He had a great eye, I couldn't lie.

"I really like the patterns. They look good." I said as I watched myself in the mirror. He chose many pieces. You could find a garment for every occasion.

"The women in the shop have a great eye! But of course, so do I!" Always so boastful. Maybe it was a good thing for him. It fit his personality well.

"Well, I'll have to shop there more often. They have wonderful textiles." I tried on a different piece. A yukata. It was simple and comfortable. When I let my hair down, I was ready for comfort.

"My, my. Your hair, it's quite luscious. It's long and thick, and all the girls would be jealous." He came up from behind me and brushed his fingers through my hair. "You're a man blessed with look."

"It's all thanks to Shinazugawa. He helps with my hair." A soft smile appeared on my face as I felt Uzui stroke my hair. It reminded me of Shinazugawa.

"Hm... you're too obvious." Uzui leaned over and took a peak of my face. I stood confused, looking back at him.


"Yes. That expression. It is love." He grinned as I stood in thought.

"Love? I love. . . Shinazugawa?" My eyes widened at the realisation. Was the feeling I felt with him love? The warm, safe feeling I felt in his arms as we both embraced one another. The feeling that lingered in my heart when I saw Shinazugawa outside. It was all love?

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