A Light Sprinkle

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The morning held a light sprinkle of rain. The clouds were thin, and the sun peaked through. The warm rays showered me with their crystal clear drops. A small and soft sprinkle of rain fell. Enough to get the grass dewy.

I walked with slow steps, enjoying the sounds and the feeling of the refreshing cool drops sinking into my warm skin. The trees swayed with the breeze, and the grass danced along.

Morning walks were the calmest of them all. The sun rising and the birds chirping. Everything was quiet and calm. Underline the word was. It didn't seem to be calm and quiet for long as a girl with pink hair with green tips came running my way. Stumbling and tripping into my arms.

"Kanroji?" I helped her up. She was out of breath, her hair dishevelled and out of their signature braids.

"Ah! Tomioka! Oh goodness! It's so good to see you! It's been a while!" She went from a troubled expression to one of surprise and glee.

"Oh, good to see you too, Kanroji." I nod. "What was the reason for running?"

"Oh, you won't believe it! A boar chased me away on my morning walk! I had to run for my life!" She wailed into my face as she hugged me tight. "I'm so glad I saw you on the way!"

"No worries. Well, the bore isn't following anymore." I peaked behind her. She whipped around, her hair smacking my face.

"You're right! It's gone! What a relief! I thought I would have to run a lot longer!" She was a girl using exclamation marks like sprinkles on a cake.

"It probably only wanted to intimidate you." I fixed her half slipping haori.

"Maybe. Anyways, would you like to go to a restaurant with me? There's this small one I love to go to; Kyojuro couldn't come with me." Mitsuri had a playfully yet a sincere look. I couldn't help but agree.

"Sure, I'll come. I'd like to see the restaurant too." With a smile, I responded. Her face lit up, and she squealed.

"Great! Then let's go!" She linked my arm with hers, and we set off. Walking past the gravel road and onto a well flattened dirt one that led to the town close by.


The morning sun rose higher as Kanroji and I dined at the restaurant. I was on my first portion, while on the other hand, Kanroji was on her third. The bowls of Udon were large, and I was on the brink of giving up on my portion. However, motivation struck as Kanroji's fourth bowl arrived.

"Me and Kyojuro, and sometimes Iguro come here often. It's one of my favourite places to eat!" Kanroji spoke after she swallowed her large bite.

"It's been a while since I've visited a restaurant. I usually eat at home." I drank some of the broth. The pork broth was very well seasoned. I'm guessing they get spices imported from other places.

"Well, that ends today! You're accompanying me and Kyojuro and maybe even Iguro to a restaurant every week!" She happily explained. Her smile was bright and contagious. She reminded me of the sun in the late spring.

"Won't it be a hassle?" I looked up at her.

"The more the merrier!" She clasped her hands together as a few plates of Okonomiaky and dumplings arrived. She greatfully thanked the person and dug right in. I took bites of the Okonomiaky and found myself hungry all over again. Not long later, I found myself eating Anmitsu. Then, out of nowhere, Castella popped up, and a few slices came to me.

Kanroji paid for our breakfast, and we set off into town. From morning to noon, Kanroji found the food market and decided to tour around. She found a Dango stand and got a few to taste; they were delicious. We got rice crackers and tea. From another, mochi. Then we discovered chocolate and then a coffee stand. Before we knew it, it was dark, and we headed for an inn close by. We got a room with two futons since the place was full.

"You know, you're not as gloomy as I thought you were. You were all giddy and smiley today!" Kanroji got settled in her futon.

"I'm trying my best." I replied. The busy nightlife could be heard out of the sliding doors.

"Make sure not to push yourself. The way you are right now is good enough for now. If in the future you want to change, take it slowly. Change doesn't happen overnight." She turned to face me. Her eyes were as vibrant as the spring grass. She radiated warmth and love from herself. She truly fit her title.

"Thank you, Kanroji."

"Mitsuri." She smiled warmly. She had a sense of feeling like my sister did. The two were similar in ways unspoken.

"Thank you, Mitsuri."


When I said I enjoyed her company, I truly did mean it. Though I still wonder how I ended up in the same hot spring as her.

"Man, this hot springs feels amazing." Mitsuri sighed as she leaned against the rock behind her. She was relaxed and at peace with the rising steam.

"It truly is a calm place to relax." I gazed down at the rippling water. I once heard a few demon slayers talk about how demons hate the hot springs. They said demons hate hot springs due to their aroma. It was strange. The hot springs always smelt wonderful. On the other hand, they are demons, after all. They hate wisteria. A hot spring could fit into their criteria of 'hate', such simple things. It makes sense why many undercover demon slayer inns have hot springs located around then. It's to ward off demons.

It was a sunset, a warm one. The sun shone upon us, the water reflecting its golden-red glow. The sun appeared larger and brighter. I could catch a glimpse of Mitsuri as she gazed at the sun. Her eyes turned into a golden green.

"I wonder why demons can only wonder the night. Is the sun too strong? Or is the moon too weak?" Mitsuri's soft voice spoke.

"The moon reflects the sun's light." I laid my head in my arms.

"So, then the moon is too weak to kill them?"

"Well, the moon isn't weak. It just doesn't have its own glow. It takes control over tide instead." I turned to face Mitsuri. She was already looking my way.

"Hm. The both are spectacular. No matter what, I'll love them both equally." She smiled and turned to watch the sun hit the horizon.

"I prefer day. It's calmer. Especially when it's summer."

"I love spring. The sakura trees are the reason!" She chuckled, I joined her too.

"You remind me of a sakura tree." Her hair matched perfectly with the sakura trees. The two were identical.

"It's my hair, isn't it?" I nodded. "That what a lot of children say." Was I being compared to a child?

"I honestly think your hair suits you very well." She seemed surprised with my answer. Something it her switched on and a light reflected into her eyes.

"Thank you. You have such kind words. Why hide them?" Her words made me think. Word after word. We were both delving deep into our bounded territory.

"No one gives a chance. I tend to shut off when no one enjoys it." Her eyes grew sadder as she listened to me.

"Well, I'm giving you that chance, and I want you to be yourself. Can you do that?"

"How could I say no?" We both chuckled once again. A sweet, warm chuckle escaped. Before we knew it, the overhead lights turned on. They illuminated the path back to our inn.

Not long later, we took that path back to our room. With the night washed over, we slept soundly after the spring. As soon as I laid down, my eyes shut and drifted to sleep. Instead of dreams or a void, I woke up straight away after falling asleep. Yet, I felt replenished. Like I had slept for ten years.


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