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Hephaestus: Wait, they need to eat? It ISN'T just for fun??

Hermes: What about water???

Dioynsus: How do none of you know these things? Maybe you all should be camp directors for a while–

Hades: Eight hours? They need EIGHT hours of sleep? There's no way that Nico's getting that much...

Dioynsus: Oh, do they? Lol, none of them are getting them that much.

Aphrodite: Oh my gods... what happens if they don't get enough? Do they become ugly? ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE MY CHILDREN UGLY?!

Zeus: They're so fragile. Why are they even allowed out of camp?! Chiron, explain!

Chiron: You... uh, ask them to do stuff for you?

All of Olympus: *flips a table*

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