Chapter 2...

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Hi mi loves❤️❤️
I'm back with the second chapter!
I hope y'all enjoy it🫶🫶


Minho POV:
Ugh...School so exciting...Yay...! Today's my first day of 11th grade, I've been homeschooled since uhhhh 8th grade, if I'm not wrong? Probably I don't know, but yeah, my older brother Hyunjin he's in the same year as me. People are wondering how if I'm younger than him, I should be in 10th but nah I'm smart so they made me go up a level. So yeah I'm going back to school after it felt like years, it has only been 3 years but Yk being dramatic ain't bad.

I was walking to my class, ofc my brother left me alone! Like tf man I don't know where I'm going, rolls eyes but ugh whatever I can find my class by myself. I don't need his little ass.

After complaining I was looking around for class 405, when I found it I saw that it said chemistry,! I knocked on the door and a teacher let me in

"Are you the new kid here sweetie?" The teacher asked me with a sweet smile, "..uh yeah I am.!!" "Okay good come in, we are about to start class" I nodded and walked in. There were a lot of people and to thank god I got my brother in my class. I'm never happy to see or have my brother near me but yk it's better then nothing.

While I went up and sat with my brother for a while, this kid who came into the classroom kept looking at me, he was probably around my bros age, pretty tall ngl maybe around 5,10? He had brown curly hair, was wearing a normal black t-shirt with his hood open, ripped jeans with his Black Air Jordan's, ngl he was good looking. But my brother kept telling me he's a player and bullied nerds so imma try not to get too close but if they come first shrugs I guess I will talk to them? I don't know.

He walked to his seat but kept looking at me as if I had something on my face. After ignoring him for what felt like ages (5 minutes) the teacher told me to come in front and introduced myself.

I nodded and got in front of her, bowed down to everyone in the class and then I started to introduce myself, "....uh...hello..! I'm Lee Minho...I'm 17 years old..and umm I hope we can be friends..." I bowed once again and smiled at everyone in the class while playing with my fingers, ofc I needed to act innocent and shy, what do you expect when they see a "nerd" who's "broke". "Well nice to meet you Minho! You can go sit next to Hyunjin, you know him right?" I nodded my head and said "...yeah I know him.." people are really stupid, even the teacher sighs "Well that's amazing! Now u can go sit down next to him" Mrs. Ji said with a smile "..okay..!" I said, turned around and I rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat next to Hyunjin.

"Aren't they stupid" Hyunjin said to me whispering, "ofc they are, they can't even tell your my brother just cuz I'm a "nerd" looking like, that makes no sense" I said to him in a whispering-anger tone. "Exactly like what does that have to do with anything about you looking like a nerd or being smart, yes I know I'm stupid but that doesn't mean I can't have a smart brother" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and looked at me pissed. "That's what I say but it's whatever soon someone is going to find out and then tell everyone" I shrugged and started to scribble on my notebook that somehow Hyunjin knew it was mine and had put it on my desk.

I could feel people and someone staring at me but I couldn't tell from what direction so I just let it slide. Hyunjin was fixing my hair since I didn't have a lot of time today since SOMEBODY woke me up late, but it's whatever after I was just making some random movements so Hyunjin could laugh since the pussy he is, he's scared to ask uhh what was his name oh yes Felix. Story time Yayy...!             

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