✨Valentine's Special Story ✨

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Okay guys, this is my first time writing smut so wish me luck😌 when the smut starts I will just put the emoji 🌶️ and when it ends imma put it once again. I hope y'all enjoy it🫶😭

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Minho's POV:

It has been 3 years since me and Han starting dating, this pass years it has been amazing! I couldn't ask for anything better. I really love Jisung he gave me something no one gave me before!

"Babe I'm home!" I jumped from the couch and ran to hug Han. "Babyyy!!! You're back!" I hugged Han and gave him a peck on his lips. And I smiled at him.

"Yep I'm back baby, I have a gift for you in my car~" Han had a smirk as he had a tease tone. "Oou what is it!!!!??" I said jumping up and down "show meeee!!!" Han laughed softly and shook his head. "First we gotta go get ready so we can go eat" Han said holding me by the waist. "Fineee I can wait!" I pounded but then I giggled. "Alright come on!!" I said holding Han's hand and bringing him to our room.

After 2 hours of getting ready, I had on a white dressing shirt, with blank pants and a belt, I put on some makeup, my hair was parted in half, I had an ear piercing, and one on my tongue, I put on my promise ring Han had gave me, when I was ready I got out of the walk in closet we have in our room. When I got out Han looked hot, like hella hot, he was wearing a red velvet shirt with a black jacket over it, with black pants, he had his hair to the side, he also had makeup but it was natural, he also had his lip piercing, I kept looking at him up and down, I think he even noticed. "You can look at me later love, if we don't hurry we won't make it on time" Han laughed when he said that, I just shocked my head then nodded.

When we were making our way to the restaurant, I didn't know where it was since Han said it was a surprise but yeah. "Where we going???" I tried to get him to tell me but he didn't, "it's a surprise you gotta wait, and also the gift ima give it to you after we eat, okay?" He put his hand on my thigh, I nodded and put my hand on top of his. When we got to the restaurant, it was next to a beach, the lights were bright, it was really pretty from the outside, it had 5 floors, the last one had a porch where people could also eat if they didn't wanna eat inside.

"Oh my god Han!! This is so pretty!!" I said as he expected his hand as he opened the car door and helped me to get out. "I know right, that why I wanted to bring you." I was so excited, I couldn't wait to go inside. "I bet it's prettier inside!" I said jumping up and down, Han just giggled and interlocked his fingers with mines. We made our way in, and omg it was amazing! "Oh my god Han..this is so pretty!!" I said as I looked around, Han chuckled and nodded, "reservation for Han Jisung" Han said as we got to the front table, the girl nodded and brought us to our table.

"Someone will come and get your orders soon" the girl smiled and we nodded and her. "You know what you getting?" I looked through the menu and I sighed. "I don't know love there's a lot of good food!!" I pounded and Han chuckled, "just buy however you want, whatever you don't finish we could bring it home" Han smiled smiling at me, I nodded and smiled back.

A few minutes later the bartender comes and gets our orders, at the end we got a bunch of food. After we ate, we made our way to front table to pay, but when I was about to get my wallet out Han had already payed with his card. "Hey I said I was going to pay!" I said while we walked to the car, "nope everything on me since it's Valentine's Day!" Han opened the car door and helped me get in.

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