Chapter 6...

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Minho POV:

It's 10:30pm and I didn't want Han to leave so late so I asked him if he wanted to stay. "So it's a yes or no?" I said standing from my bed. "Sure, I don't see why not" Han said with he's gummy smile.

I stood up and went to grab some clothes I never used. It was an over side shirt, some sweatpants and a new pair of boxers. While I was getting the stuff I felt arms around my waist. "Why you taking so long.." Han said with his head on my shoulders and talking with a husky voice in my ear.

"I-I w-was- ge-getting yo-your st-stuff" I started to stutter again. "Alright" he let me go and walked to my bed. HELP IM HAVING A GAY PANIC ATTACK RN!!

I walked to my bed and stood in front of Han "Here are your clothes, you can use my bathroom." I said, still embarrassed for what had happened a few minutes ago.

"Thank you" he grabbed the clothes then put it on the bed and then he grabbed my hands and pulled me so I could sit on his lap. "W-what are you doing...?" I said stuttering again and this time red asf. "Just grabbing what I need right now" he grabbed my waist and he got closer until we were like 2 inches away from each other.

He looked at me with those needy eyes he always had. "I-I u-" he put his hand on my mouth and started to say "shh you don't need to say anything..okay??" I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth. "Doesn't it feel good that you're sitting on my lap~" Han said with a teasing face, his eyes going from my eyes to my lips.

Out of no where, he grabbed my waist more tightly, I tried my best not to make any sounds. Thank god someone saved me, when we was about to kiss me someone knocked the door, so I fastly jumped out of Hand lap, I kinda struggled but I made it.

"Come in!" I said acting like nothing happened, standing next to the bed, it was my mom came in the room. "Hi my love, everything okay?" She said with a soft smile. I nodded at her and smiled, "well that's good son, I was just letting you know that the school called me saying that you have a free week, technically one of the teachers got sick so they canceled your classes." My mom said looking at me then Han, "oh alright ma, thank you for letting me know." I smiled at her still with rosy cheeks.

She saw my cheeks were pink so she chuckled, she looked at Han "Han was it right?" Han nodded at her and smiled "yes ma'am I'm Han Jisung" "well nice to meet you, and please don't go hard on my baby I don't wanna hear him saying he's sore" she laughed, Han just laughed back, my mom looked at me I was a blushing messed "mom!!!!" I said flustered "I'm just saying my baby, this walls are soundproof so it means y'all can go hard but please not that hard I want you to walk tomorrow" she said still laughing "MOM!!!! Stoppppp!! It's embarrassing, he's only my friend anyways!" I said crossing my arms, Han laughed and my mom too, "sure son, sure just have it in mind okay?" After she said that she just left.

"Your mom is funny, I like her," Han said with a smirk. "Stop that was embarrassing" I said, hiding my face with my hands. "I mean she said we can fuck just not hard so you wanna try it?" Han said with a smirk. "Han!!!" I said walking to my bed, "I'm joking, I'm joking, calm down.

"Hmm sure whatever, cmon ima show you where you are sleeping" I said embarrassed and mad. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm sleeping here with you baby.." Han said laying down on the bed "who said you are?" I said looking at him with cross arms.

"I say so, since I'm the guest here shouldn't I feel like home?" Han said getting more comfortable on my bed, ngl he looked cute. "Ugh fine you win! But hey don't lay down on my bed when you haven't even showered!!!"

"Oh shit my bad, ima go shower right now then, I won't take long princess~" Han said while standing up and winking at me. "Who you calling princess?!!!!" I said yelling at him eve though he was in the bathroom.

"You who else princess!!" Han said screaming back. I just rolled my eyes, lay down on my bed and looked at my phone.

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Time skip

It was 11:04, and Han finally was done showering but when I saw him coming out of the bathroom only with a towel around his waist i yelped.

"Han where's your clothes!!!" I said covering my face. "My bad, my bad I forgot my clothes, you like what you see though? He said and I felt like he had a smirk.

"Sh-shut up just change!" I said still covering my self with my blanket. "Alright, alright I'm done okay?" He said while drying his hair.

"Hm fine" I said putting the blankets down. But tbh Han's waist was small, how did a muscle man have a small waist.  (A.n JAIST✨✨✨

Damn he did have a good body, that waist holy crap. Just how though??

"Earth to Minho??" Han said standing in front of me, "huh what?!" I snap and the first thing I saw was Han's beautiful face.

Han chuckled and grabbed my chin "you know, you're cuter when you space out?" Han said looking at my lips.

"W-what d-do you want??" I said looking at his chocolate eyes. "Hmm, maybe I want you" he got more closer to me, "y-you want me..?"

"I do actually~" he said getting our faces more closer. We were so close of kissing until someone started to call me this was our second time someone getting on the way.

"Don't answer~ put your attention only to me right~ okay?" He said licking his lips, and getting in top of me.

"I gotta answer what if it's important!? Now excuse me please" Han did an annoyed face and move to the side of the bed.


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Hi ml<3 I hope y'all doing good, once again I'm sorry if this short. I'm just really stressed rn 😭😭 but I hope y'all having a good day 🫶🫶❤️

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