Chapter 11...

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Han POV:

It's 7pm, I'm in my room, laying down on the bed looking up at the celling while listening to "cry" from cigarettes after sex, while thinking. It has been like 2 months since the accident with Beomgyu. Minho has been really close to him this past months..Like really close. I really don't like that, first when I wanna hang out with him he's always with Beomgyu, second if I go to his house Beomgyu has to be there, and third when I get to hang out with him like only us two, Minho would text Beomgyu all the time or call him at least twice and asked him how's he's doing. Like it seems like they're

Eww never. Never in my life I would let MY Minho date someone else besides me. Even though they "liked" each other back then Im going to make sure that they will never like each other again..Minho is only mine and no one else...I might sound like a psycho but I'm not...maybe...I am for lee Minho...who knows..


A notification made me get out of my thoughts, I grabbed my phone and saw who it was. And of course it was my baby Minho. I smiled at the thought that he texted me first, something he barely does.

My love❤️

My love ❤️
Helloooo :) wyd??

Hi:) nothing chilling u?
Delivered 7:10pm
Hi:) nothing chilling u?
Read at 7:11pm

My love❤️
Outside ur crib 😬

"WHAT?!" I stood up so fast and threw my phone at the bed. My room was a mess, I'm telling u a mess like a tornado was in here. "Fuck!!!" I kept coursing under my breath. My hand creased my hair and pull it back. "Fuck I gotta start cleaning, why didnt he tell me he was coming!" I sighed walked up to the bed and grabbed my phone and texted him back.

My love❤️

My love ❤️
Helloooo :) wyd??

Hi:) nothing chilling u?
Delivered 7:10pm
Hi:) nothing chilling u?
Read at 7:11pm

My love❤️
Outside ur crib 😬
Uhhhhh Han?

Sorry baby, I kind panicked cuz
my room a mess but give me like 5 minutes I will out and open the door for u
Delivered 7:18pm

I threw the phone back at the bed and started cleaning my room. I picked up clothes I had on the floor, shoes, bed sheets, papers, trash. Anything you can think of, and the maids don't clean my room cuz I don't let them in my room, I have some private stuff that I don't wanna let anyone see.

After 5 minutes everything was clean, somehow I magically managed to get it done. I looked at myself in the mirror to see if I looked fine, and of course I did I was shirtless so. I wasn't even gonna get shirt on, just gonna lie that I forgot. After fixing my hair and my sweat pants I started to walked down stairs. While walking everyone that was in the hall bowed down to me and I did the same and gave them a small smile.

I opened the door and saw Minho standing there, hair,clothes, backpack wet, it was pouring rain right now and I didn't even noticed, i saw Minho and he was all wet. "Minho?! What happened to you?! Come here" I grabbed Minho before he answered me and pulled him inside of the house, I closed the door behind us and grabbed his wrist and brought him upstairs to my door.

"Okay Minho what happened?! Why are you all wet and stuffed like that?!!" I asked him while we got to my room, I opened the door so he could go in first then I closed it and locked it. "Well..." he breathed in and out, "I had a fight with Hyunjin, I know it's normal but we never fought to be honest." He said looking up at me, he had some dry tears on his cheek, his eyes were puffy and red. "Aww my baby..come here give me a hug" I pulled him and hugged him, I didn't care if he was wet from all of the rain..I just knew I needed to hug him, "it's okay baby don't normal with siblings. But why you guys fought?" Minho hugged me back, his face on the crook of my neck, I could tell he was smelling me, is it weird that I like it though? I don't know, probably though.

"Because I haven't been home a lot...and that I only been helping Beomgyu with the accident he had and stuff like that and he also said that misses me and hanging out with me.." Minho said pulling away from the hug, looking up at me again. His almond eyes were starting at mines, he had a small smile. That damn smile that got me memorized I smiled back at him looking directly at his eyes, "oh god's okay don't worry it's normal. Just try to spend time with Hyunjin not just Beomgyu. He has other people who can help him love, home more okay" I grabbed his waist making him being more close to me.

He was still looking at my eyes nodded and gave me another smile and hugged me again. I hugged him back, he hugged me more hard and I could feel his body temperature, he was warm..he was making the hug warmer...I'm ready to make you mine Lee Minho...just wait..

After 5 minutes which felt like years, he pulled away from the hug and walked next to the bed and put his backpack down next to the night stand. "Is it okay if I stay here for a few days? I really don't wanna go home after that. I feel guilty.." the younger said turning around, tilting his head a bit, making his eyes turn from dark to a questionable look. "Of course love when haven't I said no?" I chuckled and shook my head. I walked to my walk-in closet and grabbed some comfy clothes for Minho.

"Here, go shower and come back so we can eat or whatever you wanna do" I gave him the clothes, he grabbed it, nodded and made his way to my bathroom, I walked back to my bed and scrolled down on TikTok. 30 minutes later Minho came back to the room, drying his hair with a small towel I used. He put the towel on a chair and made his way to the bed, he hid under the covers and hugged my waist. "I'm backkk, what we going to do?" I turned off phone and put it next to the night stand, I turned around and looked at him while putting my hands under my head. "Hmmm what you wanna do?" I asked him looking at him with a smile.

He gave a smile but then he smirked. "What's up with that face silly" I giggled and looked at him. His eyes were looking at me directly, it looked like his eyes were starving for something. "You will see baby.." he said as he giggled, he sat up and then made me sit up. I noticed that he looked up at my eyes then down to my lips then back to my eyes. I gulped, I didn't think this was actually gonna happen. "Maybe...I wanna try out something" there was silence for a bit. "Can we try it?" The younger asked me, biting his bottom lip, his hand that somehow was on my waist was pulling me closer to him, his eyes were looking at my lips then eyes again. I hesitated to nod because I wasn't sure if what he wanted was what I had in mind. "Go for it. Try what you wanna try." I said with a smirk also. He smirked then he pulled closer, we were only an inch away. "You sure?" He asked looking down at my lips, I bit them and nodded "I'm sure" I closed my eyes and then I felt something...

lips on mines..

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Hi mls😭 Ik this is short but I'm sorry I haven't post I been busy with school and work 😞 I will try to double post today for the time I was gone, but yeah I'm sorry guys and hope y'all doing okay <3
Love y'all baes🫶🫶

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